Intro to Buddhism & Meditation
The Unwholesome Mind Conditioners (Notes)
These notes accompany this week's dhamma dialogue, and the .mp3 recording has the same title: THE UNWHOLESOME MIND CONDITIONERS
The Universal and Occasional Mind Conditioners Notes
HOW MIND CONDITIONERS WORK THE UNIVERSAL AND OCCASIONAL CETASIKAS In exploring the section of the Anapanasati Sutta related to training oneself to be “…sensitive to mental fabrication…calming mental fabrication”, there’s benefit in understanding the nature of the...
Preview of the 2015 Dhamma Dialogues
This year the approach to the dhamma dialogues on Wednesday nights will be a little different. The Anapanasati Sutta (usually translated as the “Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse” will be explored in depth. This teaching from the Pali Canon provides specific...
What Is Jhana?
Here are the notes accompanying the dhamma dialogue "Cultivating Jhana": WHAT IS JHANA?
Mindfulness Of Breathing Guided Meditation with Question and Answer Dialogues
During this meeting, Peter provided a guided meditation regarding breath awareness that tracks the progression of focus on the sensations of breathing from the simple awareness "this is the in-breath...this is the out-breath" to cultivate continuity of breath...
Guided Selflessness Meditation
The Buddhist concept of selflessness is not well understood by many Westerners. The misperception is that selflessness means emptiness like interstellar space, or a blank mind. This is not the understanding expressed by Peter in this guided meditation. When the...
Guided Individual Lovingkindness Meditation
Lovingkindness is the companion to insight practice in the cultivation of the Buddhist concept of wisdom--insight provides Right Understanding, while lovingkindness supports Right Intention. In this guided meditation, Peter offers a slightly different mantra for...
Guided Body Scan Meditation
Mindfulness of the body is a fundamental practice in the Buddhist tradition. Body awareness includes physical sensation as well as hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting. There’s nothing imaginative about sensation-mindfulness is most important as the process of...
Guided Body Sweep Meditation
Mindfulness of the body is a fundamental practice in the Buddhist tradition. Body awareness includes physical sensation as well as hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting. There's nothing imaginative about sensation-mindfulness is most important as the process of...
Guided Body Sweep Meditation 2011
This recording provides training in the practice of "body sweep" meditation, which Peter received training for during a retreat with S. N. Goenka's assistant trainers. They call this practice vedanupassana, mindfulness of feelings, which is the second of the Four...