Guided Alerting The Mind Meditation

This training meditation is intended to suggest ways to cultivate awareness of what are called the “Six Beautiful Pairs” of cetasikas, categories of mind that promote self-states that are free from dukkha, distress and confusion.  These qualities are manifested through thorough and persistent investigation of the cycles of breathing in and breathing out mindfully.  The pairs represent beneficial pairings of sankhara, mind conditioning factors and the mind that reflects them in awareness.  The pairs are: tranquility, lightness, pliancy, wieldiness, proficiency and uprightness.  There is an accompanying posted recording entitled “The Six Beautiful Pairs of Cetasikas–October 14, 2020” that reviews and clarifies these cetasikas, which can be found in the archive.


Reviewing The Wholesome Mind Conditioners, Part 1

There are 25 wholesome mind conditioners described in Buddhist psychology; this talk reviews the first 7 of these functions.  They are present in each moment of consciousness, operating to free the mind from distress and confusion.  The value in reviewing them comes from first being able to identify them conceptually, then to recognize their operation in consciousness.  Ultimately, this awareness “deconstructs” the belief that there is an enduring, autonomous self–instead, there is direct realization that the self is fabricated through the interactions of various functions.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  WHOLESOME MIND CONDITIONERS, PART ONE

The focus of next week’s talk will be on the “Six Beautiful Pairs” of wholesome mind conditioners, which represent the beneficial effect of the conditioners reviewed during this talk.


Peter’s April 2023 Retreat Review

This talk reviews a just completed 12 day self-retreat that focused on cultivating strong and persistent levels of focused intention in order to realized the potential of experiencing nimitta, mental phenomena that emerge in consciousness when the mind is almost entirely free of distraction.  Nimitta experience is preliminary to entering into jhana, highly purifying states of mind that are characteristic of the traditional Theravada Buddhist approach to Awakening.  Peter provides a detailed description of the meditative procedures that produce these mental phenomena, which he was able to directly know during the retreat.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Peter’s April 2023 Retreat Report

A recording of the guided meditation that preceded this talk can be found in the Audio tab under the Guided Meditations tab, entitled “Guided Diligent Mindful Clear Comprehension Meditation”.  The guided meditation is intended to provide additional support for understanding the practices described in this talk.

The focus for next week’s talk will be on the Second Noble Truth, the cause of dukkha, presented by Lili Fernandez.


Reviewing Mindfulness of the Mind

The Third Foundation of Mindfulness focuses attention on investigating the characteristics of a person’s consciousness–alert or dull, filled with desire or free from desire, among other categories.  During this talk, Peter reviews the various categories, supplemented by current neurological research that supports the views developed by Buddhist practitioners and scholars over a thousand years ago.  How mindfulness of breathing practice supports investigation of the mind is also reviewed.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Reviewing Mindfulness Of The Mind

The next talk will begin a review of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, focusing on identifying and setting aside the Five Hindrances.


Buddhism And Voluntary Simplicity September 18 2019

During this talk, Peter described how his 1970’s “flower child” interests in environmental health matured through the practice of Buddhist mindfulness meditation.  A central focus of attention for the talk was “Voluntary Simplicity”, a book he read by Duane Elgin in the early ’80’s that was a strong inspiration for his current “low carbon footprint” lifestyle and commitment to bringing Buddhist principles and practices to Central Florida.  Elgin’s work grew from a powerful meditation experience during a Tibetan Buddhist retreat; his work since then has been an expansion of those insights into the intricate interdependence of the universe and the role of Right Livelihood in realizing that interdependence through a lifestyle informed by an intentional simplification of contemporary life in this consumer culture.  The review of voluntary simplicity was followed by a vigorous discussion among those present about how this approach to life is beneficial.

The notes prepared for this discussion have important information related to the talk including a URL of a YouTube interview of Duane Elgin that might be of interest.  Here are the notes:  Buddhism And Voluntary Simplicity

Here is a copy of the article on voluntary simplicity referred to during the talk:  voluntary_simplicity

The focus on various aspects of using mindfulness practices to cope with contemporary societal distress and confusion will continue–the topic for next week’s discussion is not yet determined.
