Guided Cultivating Lovingkindness Contemplation

This guided meditation is intended to accompany the Dharma talk entitled “Cultivating Lovingkindness” recorded on January 26, 2022 and posted on the website.  During the meditation, a series of suggestions are offered that cultivate focusing benevolent intention towards one’s own self-experience, followed by focusing lovingkindness towards a traditional hierarchy of persons, and then contemplating radiating lovingkindness towards all creatures that we share life with on the planet.


Celebrating The Happiness of Others

This talk reviews the concepts and practices associated with cultivating Mudita, translated as Sympathetic Joy, one of the four Divine Abidings.  Mudita is the empathetic cognitive and emotional response shaped by lovingkindness which celebrates the success and happiness of others in an unselfish way.  The description also clarifies the characteristics of the far enemy and near enemy of sympathetic joy, along with suggestions for reflecting on the value of gratitude and generosity in the cultivation of Mudita.  There is a recorded meditation posted in the archives of this website entitled “Guided Contemplation Of Sympathetic Joy”, which is intended to supplement the concepts and practices reviewed in this recording.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  CELEBRATING HAPPINESS FOR OTHERS


Andy Quinn’s 1 Month Retreat Review

There is great benefit in providing opportunities for those recently completing a significant retreat to “think out loud” about the experience, as this “connects the dots” regarding the experience to support integrating the insights and skills acquired during the retreat.  Andy has been meditating for decades and is the founding teacher of the Lakeland Insight Meditation Group.  His talk was supplemented by the blog report found on the website:  Those participating in the Zoom meeting reported favorably on Andy’s description of his experience at the Forest Refuge, a major retreat center in Massachusetts.



Reviewing the First Noble Truth

This talk reviews the characteristics of dukkha, traditionally translated to mean suffering or dissatisfaction.  The Buddha is understood to have described his mission to be understanding the nature of dukkha and the ways and means for overcoming it.  The three varieties of dukkha are described as well as ways skillful application of mindfulness, investigation and Right Effort will interrupt self-state organizations afflicted by dukkha.  The review also provides descriptions of three stages to be cultivated for providing relief from dukkha: conceptual understanding, skillful awareness & discipline, and finally direct realization of liberation.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Reviewing the First Noble Truth

Here is the URL for a guided contemplation of dukkha found in the archives of this website:

The topic for next week’s review is the Second Noble Truth, the cause of dukkha.


Guided Second Noble Truth Contemplation

This guided meditation brings mindful investigation to the experience of craving and clinging.  During the meditation you are invited to also mindfully investigate the absence of craving and clinging, as well as the transitory nature of all subjective experience.  This contemplation is intended to complement the Dharma talk entitled “Reviewing the Second Noble Truth”, which was recorded the same evening, May 4, 2022 and is archived on this website.
