Balancing Lovingkindness, Compassion and Sympathetic Joy With Equanimity

This is the second of a series of talks reviewing the Divine Abidings, with emphasis on understanding the characteristics of Equanimity as a balancing factor, to avoid what are called the Far Enemy and Near Enemy of the four factors.  The talk also includes suggestions for cultivating the factors of Mindfulness, Investigation of Mind Conditioning Factors and Energy/Right Effort to support the functioning of Equanimity.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Balancing Lovingkindness Compassion and Sympathetic Joy

The topic for the next talk in the series will be a review of Lovingkindness, the primary focus in the cultivation of the Divine Abidings.


Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 1

Once the mind has settled because the Five Hindrances have been conditionally disabled, the full realization of Awakening becomes possible because of the effect of the Seven Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Effort/ Persistence, Joy/Engaged Interest, Tranquility, Concentration/Unification and Equanimity/Balance.  This talk focuses on a review of the first three of the factors, the coordinated and integrated development of which enables the realization of the remaining four factors.  Upcoming talks will review the remaining factors.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE SEVEN FACTORS FOR AWAKENING Part One


Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 2

This talk reviews the Awakening Factors Joy and Tranquility.  The understanding of the review is that the first three Awakening Factors, Mindfulness, Investigation Of Mental Phenomena and Energy/Effort/Persistence, which were reviewed during the talk of October 5, 2022, support the development of the remaining Awakening Factors. The traditional understanding of these two factors is reviewed, along with some of the contemporary research on the nervous system that validates Buddhist concepts.  Their development creates the conditions in the mind that bring clarity and a quality of regulation to the actions of the sympathetic nervous system, which energizes the mind and body, expressed as the Awakening Factor of Joy.  The parasympathetic nervous system calms the mind and body, and is the Awakening Factor of Tranquility.  As the Awakening Factors mature, these two systems are dynamically integrated and balanced.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Seven Awakening Factors—Part 2

The focus of the next talk will be a review of the remaining Awakening Factors, Concentration/Unification and Equanimity/Balance, which function to coordinate and balance the other five Awakening Factors.


Peter Reports On December 2024 Retreat

During this talk, Peter describes the challenges encountered in practicing mindfulness of breathing meditation for the cultivation of entry stages of jhana, a highly concentrated state of mind.  This practice requires a careful balance of energy and tranquility applied through the persistent uninterrupted attention to a very subtle transition from sensational breath awareness to the mind-constructed phenomenon called a nimitta.  He talks about how he overcame doubts and resistance during the retreat.  This talk also includes questions from those participating in the meeting.

The next talk will begin a long series of discussions reviewing why meditation practice is important and the foundational concepts of the Four Noble Truths.
