How Mindfulness Cultivates Political Wisdom

This talk follows on the previous talk entitled “Mindfulness And Political Judgment” from July 6.  Peter again emphasized the intention of the talk is to demonstrate that rigid thinking and the potential for aggression, psychologically termed “conservatism” is evident in the current political conflicts, whether the conservative is a republican or democrat.  The psychological terms negativity bias and confirmation bias were associated with the Buddhist concepts of craving and clinging, respectively.  The neuroscientific evidence that differentiates psychological conservatism and liberalism was described.  Peter pointed out that the neurological changes fostered by mindfulness and lovingkindness practices, combined with the principles of the Four Noble Truths, can be termed as liberal, that is, inclusive, open-minded and tolerant of different views.  The qualities of liberalism just mentioned are very important for resolving the interpersonal hostility and fear that seems to dominate current social commentary.


Next week will introduce exploration of the conflicted issues that contribute to the current political/cultural distress, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.

Mindfulness And Political Judgment

This talk continues to explore how Buddhist principles and practices can be beneficially applied during this contentious U. S. political season.  There is a phenomenon called “negativity bias”, which predisposes a person to unconsciously be stimulated by potential dangers towards negativity in response to the circumstances.  This applies to both Democrats and Republicans.  Within both parties, negativity bias orients individuals and groups towards conservative positions, that is, becoming defensive/aggressive, with rigid thought processes.  Liberal orientations promote more open-minded, adaptive and integrative dynamics, and these orientations can exist in both political parties, as well as those inclined towards registering as Independents or Libertarians.

This conversation will be continued with next week’s topic, provisionally entitled “How Mindfulness Cultivates Political Wisdom”.  Here are the notes prepared for this discussion:  MINDFULNESS AND POLITICAL JUDGMENT

Guided Body Sweep Meditation

Mindfulness of the body is a fundamental practice in the Buddhist tradition.  Body awareness includes physical sensation as well as hearing, seeing, smelling and tasting.  There’s nothing imaginative about sensation-mindfulness is most important as the process of mental association emerges.  During the body sweep meditation, the attention is persistently focused on whatever sensation emerges on the surface of the body.  Beginning with sensational awareness at the rim of the nostrils, in this guided meditation, Peter repeatedly suggests progressive awareness of sensation, moving over the facial area, then the scalp, the neck and so on, ending with the sensations noticeable in the feet.  Finally, the meditator is invited to sit with open awareness for whatever sensations appear in the body.  The value of this practice is that, when practiced repeatedly, sensations become evident all over the body, subtle tingling or vibrations, and this awareness provides a stable and ever-present foundational focus, from which the meditator can note the emergence of thoughts and emotions through vipassana practices.

Living With Uncertainty

During this talk, Kitty explored how Buddhist practices help us relate to the inevitable uncertainty of life, sharing some of her experiences working with Hospice.  She used material from Pema Chodron’s book “Comfortable With Uncertainty” as reference.  She also included brief meditations on “open mind” and “bodhicitta mind”.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/01/11130644/Living With Uncertainty.mp3″ titles=”Living With Uncertainty” /]