Overcoming Dullness And Doubt September 9, 2020

This talk reviews the last of the Unwholesome Cetasikas, those mind conditioners that are associated with dukkha, distress and confusion.  The three reviewed here are sloth, torpor and doubt.  Sloth and Torpor, among the five hindrances, conditions the mind towards dullness, drowsiness and inattention.  Peter reviews the characteristics of these conditioners and how they can be investigated and set aside.  Doubt is another of the five hindrances, typically rendered as skeptical doubt.  This manifests as indecisiveness, mental immobility, and is the opposite of the first of the Universal Wholesome Conditioners, which will be one of the cetasikas reviewed during the next talk, along with mindfulness.  The talk is followed by extensive discussion among those participating in the Zoom meeting regarding these cetasikas.  A part of the conversation includes a overview about the potential for the upcoming retreat with Shaila Catherine, scheduled for December 5-12 at the Franciscan Center in Tampa; there is discussion regarding how the retreat might be conducted in a safe manner, provided that the pandemic conditions are not strongly impacting regional social conditions.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Overcoming Dullness And Doubt

Next week will begin reviews of the Universal Wholesome Cetasikas, those factors that participate in the conditioning of each moment of self-experience that is free from Dukkha, distress and confusion.


Reviewing Non-Attachment and Non-Aversion September 30, 2020

This talk reviews alobha (non-attachment) and adosa (non-aversion), two of the Universal Wholesome Cetasikas, categories of mind conditioning functions that participate in the shaping of each moment of self-experience that is free from dukkha–distress and confusion.  During the talk Peter reviews each of these conditioning elements individually and then describes how they coordinate in their functioning.  Non-Attachment is essential in the process of understanding anatta, the absence of an enduring, autonomous self, a concept that is a core element of Buddhist liberation philosophy.  Non-Aversion is also recognizable as metta, lovingkindness, another key practice of Buddhist liberation philosophy.  This description is followed by questions and comments by those participating in the Zoom meeting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Reviewing NonAttachment and NonAversion

Next week’s talk will focus on reviewing Equanimity


Guided Alerting The Mind Meditation

This training meditation is intended to suggest ways to cultivate awareness of what are called the “Six Beautiful Pairs” of cetasikas, categories of mind that promote self-states that are free from dukkha, distress and confusion.  These qualities are manifested through thorough and persistent investigation of the cycles of breathing in and breathing out mindfully.  The pairs represent beneficial pairings of sankhara, mind conditioning factors and the mind that reflects them in awareness.  The pairs are: tranquility, lightness, pliancy, wieldiness, proficiency and uprightness.  There is an accompanying posted recording entitled “The Six Beautiful Pairs of Cetasikas–October 14, 2020” that reviews and clarifies these cetasikas, which can be found in the archive.


Reviewing The Wholesome Mind Conditioners, Part 1

There are 25 wholesome mind conditioners described in Buddhist psychology; this talk reviews the first 7 of these functions.  They are present in each moment of consciousness, operating to free the mind from distress and confusion.  The value in reviewing them comes from first being able to identify them conceptually, then to recognize their operation in consciousness.  Ultimately, this awareness “deconstructs” the belief that there is an enduring, autonomous self–instead, there is direct realization that the self is fabricated through the interactions of various functions.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  WHOLESOME MIND CONDITIONERS, PART ONE

The focus of next week’s talk will be on the “Six Beautiful Pairs” of wholesome mind conditioners, which represent the beneficial effect of the conditioners reviewed during this talk.


Reviewing Mindfulness of the Mind

The Third Foundation of Mindfulness focuses attention on investigating the characteristics of a person’s consciousness–alert or dull, filled with desire or free from desire, among other categories.  During this talk, Peter reviews the various categories, supplemented by current neurological research that supports the views developed by Buddhist practitioners and scholars over a thousand years ago.  How mindfulness of breathing practice supports investigation of the mind is also reviewed.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Reviewing Mindfulness Of The Mind

The next talk will begin a review of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, focusing on identifying and setting aside the Five Hindrances.
