Guided Cultivating Equanimity Meditation

This guided meditation focuses on cultivating a quality of attention that balances emotional energy and cognitive labeling.  In the untrained mind, there can be either too much excitement or too much sedation, or too much identification or too much skepticism; equanimity creates the optimal levels of energy and attention that support the process of Awakening.  During the training suggestions are provided in the practice of mindfulness of breathing meditation that encourage the application of mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena and Right Effort to foster the cultivation of equanimity.


Guided Channeling Right Effort Meditation

This guided meditation offers a different approach to cultivating Right Effort by suggesting that, while meditating, we can view the flow of experience as metabolic energy derived from food and oxygen, that feeds the brain’s activities.  Rather than trying to “stop” unwholesome self-states, we can redirect the energy of attention away from the “weeds” (the Five Hindrances) towards nurturing the “flowers” (the Seven Awakening Factors), as if attention is water flowing through a hose.  This guided meditation is intended to supplement the Dharma talk entitled “Reviewing Right Effort”, which was presented and recorded on June 23, 2022.


Reviewing Right Effort

This talk is part of a series reviewing the Four Noble Truths.  Right Effort is an important element of the Noble Eightfold Path and can be understood as a process of channeling the energy of attention away from unwholesome self-states towards wholesome self-states.  The cooperation among the first three of the Seven Awakening Factors–Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena and Energy, as Right Effort–is essential for fulfilling one’s potential for Awakening, and this talk discusses their interactions.  Various characteristics of Right Effort are also included in the review.  There is a guided meditation posted in the Audio archives of this website entitled “Guided Channeling Right Effort Meditation”, which is intended to provide supplementary support for the contents of this talk.

Here are the notes prepared for the talk:  Reviewing Right Effort


Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 3

This talk reviews the remaining two of the Seven Awakening Factors, Concentration/Unification and Equanimity/Balance.  The first three factors, Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena and Energy/Effort/Persistence (In the form of Right Effort), monitor and regulate the other factors.  The next two factors, Joy/Enthusiastic Engagement and Tranquility, provide appropriate interactions between emotions–the manifestation of mental energy without emotional turbulence.  Concentration/Unification is reviewed to reflect the traditional cultivation of jhana states, along with more contemporary practices involving developing enough stability of attention to coordinate the Awakening Factors functions.  Equanimity/Balance is reviewed to clarify how the coordinated actions of the factors are balanced and not subject to either desire, aversion or ignorance.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 3

The next talk will review the Progressions of Insight, a conceptual structured description of what can be recognized subjectively as the mind becomes more Awakened, leading ultimately to the experience of Nirvana.
