Clear Comprehension And Valuing Choices

Using U Silananda’s commentary on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, Peter described satisampajanna, the Four Clear Comprehensions.  This quality of consciousness sets a worthy goal, suitable means for realizing it, monitors the four foundations of mindfulness and cultivates awareness that is free from delusion.  During the discussion, several members of the Sangha were able to apply this practice to concrete decisions involving values conflicts.


Four Clear Comprehensions

This talk focused on a commentarial addition to the Mindful Comprehension stanzas of the Satipatthana Sutta, (sati sampajanna), which emphasize integrating mindfulness into all activities, walking, eating, dressing, and other behavioral routines of daily life.  The commentary further divides the practice into four functions for effective decision making: determining a worthy goal, cultivating the suitable means for realizing that goal, mindfully monitoring the suitable means, and maintaining focus on understanding the reality of impermanence (anicca), the distress and confusion that is the result of craving and clinging (dukkha), and the absence of an enduring, autonomous and in-control self (anatta).  This explanation was followed by group discussion related to how to apply these decision making functions in daily life.

Here are the notes prepared for this discussion:  Four Applications Of Clear Comprehension


Clear Comprehension of Body Postures

In the First Foundation of Mindfulness there is a section focusing on postural awareness and mindful movement, which is the focus of this talk.  In addition to reviewing these contemplations, the concept of the Four Clear Comprehensions is reviewed, comparing the traditional practices for renunciates with the related practices available for lay practitioners.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Mindfulness of Body Postures With Full Awareness

The focus for the next talk will review the Third Foundation of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of Feelings, and will include a review of a core concept within Buddhism, Dependent Origination, which describes how the process of self-organization occurs, along with how mindfulness of feelings can further progress on the path of Awakening.


Guided Diligent, Mindful, With Clear Comprehension Meditation

This guided meditation provides training in noticing three essential qualities of attention described in the Satipatthana Sutta and the Anapanasati Suttta: Diligence (Persistent, dedicated application of attention), Clear Comprehension (Attention to the details of sensations while breathing along with attention to the emergence of mental phenomena), monitored by Mindfulness (Undistracted, alert awareness).  During the meditation there are occasional reminders provided of those characteristics and ways to recognize and make best use of their functions, as they are key for developing insight in an ongoing way.


Guided Diligent Mindful Clear Comprehension Meditation

This recording provides support for enhancing the ability to focus attention persistently with increasing clarity on the sensations noticeable practicing mindfulness of breathing meditation.  This focused investigative awareness begins at the rim of the nostrils, moving attention systematically up through the interior of the nose to the tube extending down to the uvula, the fleshy appendage at the back of the roof of the mouth, then forward across the roof of the mouth to investigate the changing sensations noticeable at the gums and teeth as the air swirls around with every breath.  Finally, you can cultivate clear awareness of the sensations in the flesh of the upper lip.  This routine of investigative awareness keeps interest alive and penetrates into the depths of sensations available in these areas, thereby increasing concentration.
