Reviewing The Equanimity Awakening Factor

During this talk, Lezlie Laws reviews the seventh Awakening Factor, Equanimity, beginning with a very well-written essay by her describing the poise and dedication of a hawk living in New York City and raising chicks in the middle of the busy metropolis.  She speaks of how viewing a video about this hawk stirred her emotionally and connects the theme of the story and her experience with the Awakening Factor of Equanimity.  This is followed by her review of the traditional characteristics of the Equanimity Awakening Factor, which functions to bring balance to the other six factors and, therefore to the Awakening mind.  Several participants in the meeting then talk about their understanding of how the story and Equanimity applies to her or his life experience.

The topic for the next talk will summarize the fulfillment in the development of the elements found within the Four Foundations of Mindfulness through an explanation of how the Noble Eightfold Path becomes realized as the Noble Tenfold Path.


Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 3

This talk reviews the remaining two of the Seven Awakening Factors, Concentration/Unification and Equanimity/Balance.  The first three factors, Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena and Energy/Effort/Persistence (In the form of Right Effort), monitor and regulate the other factors.  The next two factors, Joy/Enthusiastic Engagement and Tranquility, provide appropriate interactions between emotions–the manifestation of mental energy without emotional turbulence.  Concentration/Unification is reviewed to reflect the traditional cultivation of jhana states, along with more contemporary practices involving developing enough stability of attention to coordinate the Awakening Factors functions.  Equanimity/Balance is reviewed to clarify how the coordinated actions of the factors are balanced and not subject to either desire, aversion or ignorance.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 3

The next talk will review the Progressions of Insight, a conceptual structured description of what can be recognized subjectively as the mind becomes more Awakened, leading ultimately to the experience of Nirvana.


Understanding Equanimity July 22, 2020

This discussion reviews the characteristics of upekkha (ooh-peh-kah), the seventh Awakening Factor, translated as equanimity regarding one’s state of consciousness.  Upekkha is also considered as one of the Four Divine Abidings (lovingkindness, compassion and sympathetic joy being the other three), one of the ten Perfections and the primary characteristic of the Fourth Jhana, experienced at extraordinarily developed levels of concentration.  Equanimity is not indifference but rather the ability to be aware of and non-reactive to emotional urgency and impulsive reactivity.  This quality is synonymous with tatramajjhatata, (tah-trah-muh-jah-tuh-tah), a term that describes a state of mind that is “in the middle”, that is, not too excited or too dull, nor too identified with a thought or too skeptical.  Upekkha is relevant in daily life as the ability to stay present and do the right thing even under trying circumstances, while tatramajjhatata is more associated with the refined levels of awareness that involve the seven Awakening Factors.  Peter reviews the other six Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation, Energy/Right Effort, Joy, Tranquility and Concentration, explaining how Equanimity interacts with each of them to create the optimal conditions for Awakening.  Several suggestions were made regarding lifestyle choices and finding opportunities to develop equanimity that are sufficiently challenging but not overwhelming.  This was followed by discussion of how upekkha is experienced by those participating in the Zoom meeting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE EQUANIMITY AWAKENING FACTOR (AutoRecovered)

Next week’s discussion will begin a series of reviews of the 52 cetasikas (cheh-tah-see-kahs), conditioning factors of the mind, also termed sankharas (sahn-kah-rahs).


The Equanimity Awakening Factor July 3 2019

This topic reviews the fulfillment of the Seven Awakening Factors in the seventh of them, Upekkha Bojjhanga, the Equanimity Awakening Factor.  Upekkha doesn’t represent uncaring indifference but rather the ability to be aware of emotional responses to situations without being identified with them as a “self” and without being impulsively reactive.  The term upekkha is synonymous with tatramajjhattata, a Buddhist concept conveying the “finding the middle” balancing function that manifests when the Seven Awakening Factors are in optimal dynamic harmony: not too much or too little energy, with a balance that avoids rigid mental identification and complete skepticism.   The explanation was followed by vigorous discussion among those attending regarding the benefits of cultivating equanimity for everyday living in the workplace and parenting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE EQUANIMITY AWAKENING FACTOR

Next week’s talk will review the fulfillment potential realized through mastery of mindfulness of breathing as described in the Anapanasati Sutta and will be the final discussion of this important Buddhist teaching.


Awakening With Equanimity

During this talk, Peter explained upekkha bojjhanga, the equanimity awakening factor.  In the process, equanimity was described as the result of effective, dynamic interactions between the other six factors of awakening, which produces the most appropriate balance between joy and tranquility, concentration and investigation of mental phenomena, monitored by mindfulness and effected by energy as right effort.  The function of equanimity to bring balance to lovingkindness, compassion and sympathetic joy was explained.  Additionally, the dominance of equanimity in the third and fourth jhanas was described, and how this relates to the seven factors of awakening.

Here are the notes prepared for the presentation:  THE EQUANIMITY AWAKENING FACTOR

Next weeks discussion will begin to explore the culmination of the Noble Eightfold Path, a “revisiting” of Right Understanding and Right Intention.
