by Peter Carlson | Mar 27, 2015 | Listen to Dharma Talks
This meeting involved a review by some of the participants in the nine day retreat from March 13 to the 22nd. First Peter reviewed the structure of the course, which blended practices found in the Anapanasati Sutta (mindfulness of breathing discourse) and the vedanupassana (body sweep) practice that Peter was trained in by his first teacher Ruth Denison and several retreats during which he was trained in the tradition taught by S. N. Goenka. The benefit of the body sweep was explained as a way to cultivate the seven awakening factors, especially mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, effort/persistence and concentration. the remaining three factors, joy, tranquility and equanimity, emerge more effectively as practice deepens.
Following this post, the dhamma talks recorded during the retreat will be posted as .mp3 files, along with some of the notes Peter referred to.
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by Peter Carlson | Jan 22, 2015 | Listen to Dharma Talks
During this dhamma dialogue, Peter fostered discussion of the preceding guided “acquiring breath awareness” meditition practice, posted just prior to this posting. He explained the importance of the practice of vitakka and vicara, that is intentionally bring focus to the sensations of breathing, then to sustain that awareness. Peter described the maturing of the practice of “aiming and sustaining” into one of the seven factors of awakening, dhamma vicaya, the investigation of mental phenomena. The experience of those present for the preceding guided meditation was explored, particularly any benefits from the application of Mentholatum, a mentholated salve, at the rim of the nostrils. The practice was intended to enhance sensations at the rim of the nostrils to create a more vivid target for the practice of vitakka and vicara.
This was followed by suggestions from Peter about ways to integrate mindful awareness of the breath into daily routines in order to provide a stable routine for interrupting unnecessary inner chatter.
Next weeks dhamma dialogue will explore the stanzas in the Anapanasati Sutta that encourage training the mind to experience a buoyant interest in breath awareness.
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by Peter Carlson | Sep 11, 2014 | Listen to Dharma Talks
This is the second in a series of discussions regarding the seven factors of awakening, focused on dhamma vicaya bojjhanga, the investigation of mental phenomena factor of awakening. This factor is a core element of the practice of vipassana, operating in tandem with mindfulness, Right Effort and concentration. Peter described the maturing of investigation from the rudimentary mindfulness of breathing practice of vitakka and vicara, that is, aiming attention at the beginning of the in-breath and sustaining that attention for the duration of the in-breath, then repeating that procedure for the out-breath. This basic practice develops the ability to cultivate concentration and tranquility, setting the stage for the practice of vipassana. This description was followed by a brief guided meditation focusing on investigating the breath and noting any variations of attention that might occur. There was some discussion following this meditation to associate the investigation factor with truly understanding the Four Noble Truths.
Here are the notes accompanying this evenings dialogue: The Awakening Factor of Investigation of Mental Phenonemena Next week’s dialogue will continue exploring the awakening factors with a focus on the awakening factor of energy, that is, Right Effort.
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by Peter Carlson | Aug 28, 2014 | Listen to Dharma Talks
This is the first of several dialogues exploring the bojjhangas, the seven factors of awakening. During this talk, Peter describes the relationship between the awakening factors and the five powers. He also described the evolution of the factors through the process of setting aside the hindrances preparatory to the practice of vipassana. The awakening factors that comprise vipassana were described. Next week’s dialogue will explore the individual factors in detail, with guided meditations to facilitate recognizing their function.
Here are the notes prepared for this presentation and for the next few meetings: BOJJHANGA-7 AWAKENING FACTORS
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