Reviewing The Equanimity Awakening Factor

During this talk, Lezlie Laws reviews the seventh Awakening Factor, Equanimity, beginning with a very well-written essay by her describing the poise and dedication of a hawk living in New York City and raising chicks in the middle of the busy metropolis.  She speaks of how viewing a video about this hawk stirred her emotionally and connects the theme of the story and her experience with the Awakening Factor of Equanimity.  This is followed by her review of the traditional characteristics of the Equanimity Awakening Factor, which functions to bring balance to the other six factors and, therefore to the Awakening mind.  Several participants in the meeting then talk about their understanding of how the story and Equanimity applies to her or his life experience.

The topic for the next talk will summarize the fulfillment in the development of the elements found within the Four Foundations of Mindfulness through an explanation of how the Noble Eightfold Path becomes realized as the Noble Tenfold Path.


Understanding Equanimity

Equanimity is the quality of present-moment awareness and behavior that is highly valued in all spiritual endeavors.  Theravada Buddhism has developed an extensive analysis of equanimity to support the process of Awakening conceptually, and this talk reviews those concepts, using the Visuddhimagga, translated as “The Path of Purification”, as a guide.  Two primary areas of practice that will be reviewed are associated with the cultivation of lovingkindness, compassion and sympathetic joy, along with the function of equanimity as one of the Seven Awakening Factors.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Cultivating Equanimity

Next week’s talk will “Go back to the basics” with a guided training meditation focusing on mindfulness of breathing meditation, followed by a Dharma talk that will provide an insightful review of how mindfulness of breathing meditation beneficially affects the neural structures of the brain and the function of that practice for advancing the process of Awakening.


Balancing Lovingkindness, Compassion and Sympathetic Joy With Equanimity

This is the second of a series of talks reviewing the Divine Abidings, with emphasis on understanding the characteristics of Equanimity as a balancing factor, to avoid what are called the Far Enemy and Near Enemy of the four factors.  The talk also includes suggestions for cultivating the factors of Mindfulness, Investigation of Mind Conditioning Factors and Energy/Right Effort to support the functioning of Equanimity.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Balancing Lovingkindness Compassion and Sympathetic Joy

The topic for the next talk in the series will be a review of Lovingkindness, the primary focus in the cultivation of the Divine Abidings.


The Benefits Of Equanimity December 4 2019

This is the last in a series of meetings that explore the Divine Abidings, Metta (Lovingkindness), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Sympathetic Joy) and Upekkha (Equanimity).  Equanimity is manifested when a well-trained mind applies mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena and Right Effort.  The accompanying notes contain a graphic representation of how equanimity is cultivated, bringing balance between energy & tranquility, and concentration & investigation.  Peter then goes on to describe the application of equanimity to avoid what are called the “far enemy” and “near enemy” of the four Divine Abidings.  This was followed by general discussion among those present on how to cultivate equanimity in one’s daily life routines.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Benefits Of Equanimity

Next week’s talk will focus on how to bring mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, Right Effort and equanimity to the hyperactive characteristics of the holiday season through careful attention to what is seen on the media and among other folks as well as oneself.  The purpose of this observation is to realize the potential for bringing the Four Noble Truths into clearer focus.
