Short Moments, Many Times A Day

Short Moments, Many Times a Day.

In this meeting of our sangha, we learn a variety of ways to incorporate moments of meditation throughout the day.  This is not a substitute for our daily sitting practice, but a way to extend that practice throughout our daily activities.  The format of the session will veer from our usual practice, as we practice a 4-5  short meditations.  So make sure to join us at 7:00 for a brief commentary on mindfulness which will be followed by a variety of short-form practices.  This session was facilitated by Lezlie Laws.


Right Mindfulness

This week’s dharma talk explores the 7th step in the teaching of the Buddha called “The Noble Eightfold-Path.”  This 7th step is Right Mindfulness. We will explore this key practice that has been described as the watch guard of the mind and an aid to recognize, prevent and release craving and clinging that causes suffering. We will also present an overview of the four foundations of mindfulness discussed in the Buddha’s teachings that are documented in the Satipatthana Sutta. Each of these foundations will be explored in further depth in the upcoming weeks. April Koester gave this talk.


Right Effort

This week’s dharma talk explores the 6th step in the teaching of the Buddha called “The Noble Eightfold-Path.”  This 6th step takes us into the “discipline aggregate” of the eight steps.  Here we learn how to cultivate beneficial qualities of mind and how to disarm unbeneficial qualities of mind.  The talk this week was given by Lezlie Laws.


Reviewing Right Livelihood

This talk, provided by April Koester, focuses on how virtue manifests as Right Livelihood. April discusses how Right Livelihood can guide us not only in our personal choice of vocation but how we interact with other businesses as a consumer, in addition to how we interact with each other as bosses, employees, and anyone we encounter in their working role.

