Contemplating The Seven Awakening Factors

This guided meditation is intended to provide suggestions for recognizing the characteristics of the undeveloped seven Awakening Factors as they can be identified during daily meditation experience.  it is also intended to complement the Dharma talk of November 3, 2021, which is a review of the characteristics of the more fully developed Awakening Factors.


Deerhaven 2021Retreat Review

It is customary during the meeting following a significant retreat experience to provide an opportunity for those who attended the retreat to have a chance to “think out loud” about the experience.  Going to a one-week or longer residential retreat ha the same effect on the mind and body as would be the case when a musician or athlete participates in a long and immersive series of practice events–the neurological connections associated with the skills being cultivated become stronger and more useful.  Having the chance to talk with others who understand what is being discussed increases the clarity and accessibility of the experience in normal life circumstances.  Additionally, it can inspire others to participate in such events in the future as they hear of the benefits.  Each person reports on her or his experience during the meeting, followed by questions or comments from those attending the Zoom meeting.


Review Of The Six Wholesome Resultant Cetasikas

This review focuses on how the Wholesome Mind Conditioners activities produce qualities that reflect 6 ethical, relational and Wisdom components supporting the process of Awakening: Abstaining from Unwholesome Speech, Abstaining from Unwholesome Actions, Abstaining from Unwholesome Lifestyle Choices, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, and Wisdom.  The discussion emphasizes how these qualities mature from mundane issues toward issues approaching realization of Nirvana.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Six Resultant Wholesome Mind Conditioners

There will not be a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, as there will be a one-week retreat underway.  Those attending the retreat will be provided an opportunity to share their experience during the Zoom meeting of October 27.


Reviewing Contingent Provisional Emergence

This talk provides a thorough review of the core Buddhist concept Paticca Samuppada, typically translated as Dependent Origination.  A different rendering of the concept is provided, including reference to a contemporary concept, complexity theory which led to the term Contingent Provisional Emergence.  The Theravadin tradition describes 12 elements to the concept and each is reviewed, with emphasis on the nonlinear aspects of how the moment-by-moment process of self organization operates.

This talk can be accompanied by: “Guided Investigating Feelings Meditation”, found in the archives, to reinforce the importance of mindfulness of feelings to realize the potential of the paticca samuppada concept.

Here are the extensive notes prepared for this talk; it is recommended to download and read them to more thoroughly understand the concept:  Contingent Provisional Emergence Review



Guided Investigation of Feelings Meditation

This meditation is intended to focus attention on the impermanence of feelings, either related to physical sensations or mental phenomena.  Cultivating skillfulness in this practice facilitates the ability to realize the benefits suggested in the concept of paticca samuppada, typically translated as dependent origination, but also to be understood as contingent provisional emergence, the focus of the Dharma talk presented the same evening “Reviewing Contingent Provisional Emergence”, which is a thorough review of paticca samuppada from a contemporary perception informed by complexity theory and neuroscientific research.
