Dhamma Talks
Understanding Dukkha
Typically, the meeting after Peter's annual year-end retreat is dedicated to his recounting of the retreat experience, with the hope his review will help him integrate the experience as well as provide others more insights about what can happen on retreat. This...
Introducing Additional Teachers
This talk introduces several new teachers who are either certified or entering certification training as Dharma teachers: Lezlie Laws, April Koester, Alli Vaknin and Lili Fernandez. Peter has been looking for additional teachers for our group for quite awhile and...
Guided Gratitude Contemplation
This guided contemplation begins with integrating mindfulness of breathing meditation with the repetition of a "short form" lovingkindness meditation. After this practice is established, a series of gratitude contemplations are offered, for example, the benefits of...
Guided Short Form Lovingkindness Meditation
This guided lovingkindness contemplation uses this mantra: "May I be wise, happy and peaceful, with an ease of well-being", and was recorded during the 2022 Deerhaven retreat.
Deerhaven 2022 Retreat Review
In following a long-established tradition, this meeting is dedicated to providing those who attended the recent one-week residential retreat to review their experience during the retreat. After such an event, it is difficult to be able to express the insights gained...
Reviewing The Stages Of Insight
This talk reviews a system developed over several centuries after the life of the Buddha that describes various levels of conscious awareness that can be experienced during the process of Awakening. The Progressions of Insight, as they are often called, begin with...
Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 3
This talk reviews the remaining two of the Seven Awakening Factors, Concentration/Unification and Equanimity/Balance. The first three factors, Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena and Energy/Effort/Persistence (In the form of Right Effort), monitor and...
Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 2
This talk reviews the Awakening Factors Joy and Tranquility. The understanding of the review is that the first three Awakening Factors, Mindfulness, Investigation Of Mental Phenomena and Energy/Effort/Persistence, which were reviewed during the talk of October 5,...
Reviewing The Seven Awakening Factors, Part 1
Once the mind has settled because the Five Hindrances have been conditionally disabled, the full realization of Awakening becomes possible because of the effect of the Seven Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Effort/ Persistence,...
Six Beautiful Pairs of Wholesome Mind Conditioners
The Six Beautiful Pairs of Wholesome Cetasikas represent the fulfillment of wholesomeness in the mind. The integrated and unified functions of the Universal, Particular and seven Wholesome mind conditioning factors manifests as 12 integrated characteristics--six...