Dhamma Talks
Enjoying the Happiness of Others November 11, 2020
This talk reviews mudita, typically translated as sympathetic joy, and represents the ability to emotionally resonate with the happiness of other beings. Sympathetic joy is a manifestation of lovingkindness and is similar to compassion, as both are ways that the mind...
Guided Enjoying the Happiness of Others Meditation
This meditation combines mindfulness of breathing meditation with focused attention on the area around the heart for contemplating the joyful feelings that can be realized in witnessing the happiness of others. Breath awareness stabilizes attention and sets aside the...
Mindful Compassion In Trying Times November 4, 2020
This talk reviews the Wholesome Mind Conditioning function of karuna (kah-roo-nah), compassion, which is a manifestation of Right Intention from the Noble Eightfold Path. Peter reviews the universal human capacity for empathy, "hard-wired" into our nervous system,...
Guided Mindful Compassion Meditation
This meditation focuses on combining mindfulness meditation with compassion meditation, suggesting that the effective experiencing and expressing of compassion requires using Right Mindfulness and Right Effort to create the subjective clarity and serenity that...
Right Livelihood In Trying Times October 28, 2020
This talk reviews the Wholesome Cetasikas "Right Action" and "Right Livelihood" in their classical rendering and then conjoins them into "Right Lifestyle" to reflect ways to be resilient to current stresses in these trying times. Contemporary lifestyles are deeply...
Guided Mindful Intention Meditation
This guided mindfulness of breathing meditation suggests a variety of tactics for cultivating mindful awareness of intention, the mind conditioning factor that coordinates every moment of self-organization in preparation for action. Meditators are invited to notice...
Right Speech During Trying Times October 21, 2020
This talk reviews the Wholesome Cetasika of Sammavaca, translated as Right Speech, which is also an important element of the Noble Eightfold Path. The classical understanding of Right Speech is reviewed, which is coordinated with previously posted reviews of Hiri,...
Guided Mindfulness of Thinking Meditation
This meditation focuses on learning how to use mindfulness of breathing practice to perceive internal narratives--the "selfing story"--as transient, impersonal fabrications that are natural processes such as hearing, etc., and not constituting an autonomous, enduring...
The Six Beautiful Pairs of Cetasikas October 14, 2020
This talk reviews the benefits of coordinating the previously reviewed Universal Wholesome Cetasikas, resulting in the manifestation of the Six Beautiful Pairs: tranquility of mind and mental factors, lightness of mind and mental factors, pliancy of mind and mental...
Guided Alerting The Mind Meditation
This training meditation is intended to suggest ways to cultivate awareness of what are called the "Six Beautiful Pairs" of cetasikas, categories of mind that promote self-states that are free from dukkha, distress and confusion. These qualities are manifested...