Dhamma Talks
Working With Karma February 19 2020
This talk focuses on what is probably the most frequently used Buddhist term karma, which is often misunderstood. During the talk Peter explained the various complexities of this term that the Buddha described as "only understood fully by an Arahant". Other terms...
Working With Clinging February 12 2020
This talk concludes two focused on the elements of Dukkha, craving and clinging; the talk on tanha, craving,was posted on February 6. Peter described the term Upadana as basically meaning fuel or nutriment, that which feeds the selfing process. Upadana is the...
Working With Craving February 5 2020
This is the first of two talks on the primary causes of Dukkha, tanha (craving) and upadana (clinging). Tanha is typically translated as thirst, an unquenchable desire, either for pleasant feeling to persist or for unpleasant feeling to be eliminated. Peter talked...
Working With Dukkha January 29 2020
This talk focuses on the third topic of a series on the Three Characteristics: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta. Dukkha is the manifestation of craving and clinging to the misconception that there is an enduring and autonomous self. This topical focus is represented by the...
Working With Selflessness January 22 2020
This is the second talk in a series investigating some key characteristics of Buddhist practice, focusing on Anatta, (Ah-nah-tah), the absence of an enduring and autonomous self. During the talk, Peter read excerpts from various Suttas that described the Buddha’s...
Working With Impermanence January 15 2020
This is the first of three talks exploring tilakkhana, the three basic characteristics of our subjective world, Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta. Tonight’s focus is on Anicca, the impermanent and transitory nature of reality. Impermanence occurs in two ways:...
Peter Reports on 2019 Year End Retreat
It is customary for retreatants in this Sangha to have the opportunity to report on their retreat experience as this helps integrate the insights realized during the retreat more clearly in awareness. Peter described the structure of his recent two-week...
The Four Noble Truths And The Holidays December 11 2019
This is the last talk of 2019 as Peter begins his year-end two-week self retreat December 13. During the talk, Peter described the early context of Christmas and the season associated with the Winter Solstice, the shortest and often among the coldest days of the year...
The Benefits Of Equanimity December 4 2019
This is the last in a series of meetings that explore the Divine Abidings, Metta (Lovingkindness), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Sympathetic Joy) and Upekkha (Equanimity). Equanimity is manifested when a well-trained mind applies mindfulness, investigation of mental...
2019 Thanksgiving Eve Talk November 27 2019
Since our Sangha meets on Wednesday evenings, Thanksgiving Eve is dedicated to reflecting gratitude for the benefits of Buddhist principles and practices and the bounty and beauty of life on this planet. During the talk, various participants contributed their...