Dhamma Talks

Satipatthana Review February 26 2020

This is the first of a long series of in-depth reviews of the Satipatthana Sutta, known as the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse.  Peter is using several of the books on this topic written by the German Theravadin Monk Analayo on the Sutta, including...

Working With Karma February 19 2020

This talk focuses on what is probably the most frequently used Buddhist term karma, which is often misunderstood.  During the talk Peter explained the various complexities of this term that the Buddha described as "only understood fully by an Arahant".  Other terms...

Working With Craving February 5 2020

This is the first of two talks on the primary causes of Dukkha, tanha (craving) and upadana (clinging).  Tanha is typically translated as thirst, an unquenchable desire, either for pleasant feeling to persist or for unpleasant feeling to be eliminated.  Peter talked...

Working With Dukkha January 29 2020

This talk focuses on the third topic of a series on the Three Characteristics: Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta.  Dukkha is the manifestation of craving and clinging to the misconception that there is an enduring and autonomous self.  This topical focus is represented by the...

Working With Selflessness January 22 2020

This is the second talk in a series investigating some key characteristics of Buddhist practice, focusing on Anatta, (Ah-nah-tah), the absence of an enduring and autonomous self.  During the talk, Peter read excerpts from various Suttas that described the Buddha’s...