Dhamma Talks

The Out Of Balance Mind

This talk was recorded at the end of the first full day of the retreat, and focuses on the Five Hindrances.  Peter presented a graphic that presented the hindrances as dynamic polarities: too much conviction as opposed to too much skepticism, and too much energy as...

Deerhaven 2017 First Night

During this talk, Peter reviewed the traditional "3 Refuges" and "Five Precepts" practices at the beginning of retreats, then suggested a more contemporary rendering of the Refuges, followed by a handout with the Precepts rendered as commitments.  Participants were...

2017 Deerhaven Retreat Review

It is customary for retreatants to have an opportunity to "think out loud" about a recent retreat experience, as this helps integrate the deep learning that can occur during such an event and provides insight and inspiration for listeners regarding the benefits of...

The Importance Of Intention

This evening's meeting focused on the crucial role cetana, the Pali word translated as intention or volition, plays in the ongoing process of self-state organization.  Cetana is a "universal mind conditioner", functioning in each moment of self-state organization to...

Transforming Sensations Into A Self

This talk continues to explore the suggestions offered in "The Mind Illuminated" that help understand how prior experience makes meaning of raw sensational data.  Peter first quotes part of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness that focuses on what Thanissaro calls...

Understanding How The Mind Works

This talk continues to explore practical suggestions from the book "The Mind Illuminated".  The current focus is on the concepts of "Focused Attention", "Peripheral Awareness", "Strong Distraction", "Strong Dullness", "Subtle Distraction" and "Subtle Dullness". ...

Stages Of Breath Awareness

The evening's activities included a guided meditation posted below: "Looking Closer Meditation.mp3", during which Peter provided suggestions supporting a more persistent and intimate awareness regarding the sensations of breathing. During the talk following the guided...

Why We Meditate

During this talk, Peter provided the participants with a worksheet:  MOTIVATIONS FOR MEDITATION.  On this sheet, folks were invited to note three considerations: the benefits of meditation, ways to reinforce commitments to daily meditation practice, and ways to...