Dhamma Talks

Lojong Introduction

This talk introduces a new topic, the Tibetan Buddhist Lojong trainings.  These trainings were developed around the year 1,000 C.E. to support integrating Buddhist principles and practices into daily life routines.  The core of Buddhist teaching is compassion, that...

No-self and Relationships

During this talk, Peter combined insights from contemporary research on the importance of relationship quality during early childhood for cultivating an integrated sense of personality, and how this relates to the Buddhist concept of no-self, that is, the absence of...

Buddhism and Addiction

During this talk, Peter described the characteristics of addiction, emphasizing the similarities between the functions of addictive behavior beyond substance abuse and the Buddhist realization of the power of craving and clinging to produce suffering.  A graphic...

Mindfulness and Depression

Continuing to explore how Buddhist mindfulness and lovingkindness practices can help address mental health issues that are epidemic in our culture, this week's topic is about the nature of depression from both a modern and Buddhist perspective.  Peter described the...

Buddhism And Anxiety

During this talk, Peter provided an overview of the diagnostic categories related to anxiety, describing the common characteristics and symptoms of modern psychological understanding regarding anxiety disorders, which are at an epidemic level in this culture.  This...

Dukkha Is Stress

This recording introduces a new topic for ongoing discussion and application.  The typical translation of dukkha has been "suffering"; many modern students of Buddhism prefer the term "stress" as being more appropriate for our culture.  During the talk, Peter...

Awakening Factors During A Retreat

During this talk, Peter reviewed his self-retreat from May 9-22.  The experience was related to the previous discussions about the Anapanasati Sutta (the discourse on mindfulness of breathing), and to the sorts of experiences that might arise during an intensive...

Mindful Breath Body And Feelings

This posting is a recording of the dhamma dialogue following a guided meditation associated with coordinating the first two tetrads of the Anapanasati Sutta with mindfulness of the body and mindfulness of feelings.  This integrative process increases physical...