Dhamma Talks
Dukkha Is Stress
This recording introduces a new topic for ongoing discussion and application. The typical translation of dukkha has been "suffering"; many modern students of Buddhism prefer the term "stress" as being more appropriate for our culture. During the talk, Peter...
Awakening Factors During A Retreat
During this talk, Peter reviewed his self-retreat from May 9-22. The experience was related to the previous discussions about the Anapanasati Sutta (the discourse on mindfulness of breathing), and to the sorts of experiences that might arise during an intensive...
Guided Four Tetrads And Four Foundations Meditation
This is the second of two training meditations, presented with the intention to nurture the integration of the 16 stanzas of the Anapanasati Sutta (mindfulness of breathing discourse) with the Satipatthana Sutta (four foundations of mindfulness discourse. The first...
Mindful Breath Body And Feelings
This posting is a recording of the dhamma dialogue following a guided meditation associated with coordinating the first two tetrads of the Anapanasati Sutta with mindfulness of the body and mindfulness of feelings. This integrative process increases physical...
Guided Mindful Breath Body And Feelings Meditation
This guided meditation is intended to provide practical support for integrating mindfulness of breathing practice with mindfulness of the body and mindfulness of feelings. The first two tetrads of the Anapanasati Sutta are directily related to cultivating mindfulness...
Four Tetrads And Four Foundations
During this talk, Peter reviewed the four groups of four stanzas in the Anapanasati Sutta as they relate to the four foundations of mindfulness. The four groups of stanzas are called the four tetrads. The intention in this presentation is to foster an integration of...
Liberating And Letting Go
During this talk, Peter continued to describe the elements of the fourth tetrad of the Anapanasati Sutta, emphasizing the coordinating functions of examining impermanence, dispassion, cessation and renunciation through ongoing breath awareness. The process of...
Awakening With Dispassion
This talk was recorded on April 8, 2015, and is the follow-up on the talk entitled "Anapanasati And Anicca April 1 2015. During this talk, Peter described how mindfulness of the arising and passing away of mental fabrications leads naturally to a sense of decreased...
Anapanasati And Anicca
During this talk, Peter briefly reviewed the cultivation of samadhi/passadhi (concentration/tranquility) in the first three tetrads of the Anapanasati Sutta, then read a translation of the fourth tetrad, which is focuses on vipassana. The four characteristics to be...
Deerhaven 2015 Ninth Night Dhamma Talk
This is the last of the series of dhamma talks provided during the retreat. At the beginning, Tommy Harrison gave a brief talk on the power of generosity and gratitude for the teachings and the practice. After that, Peter reviewed the week's progression of practice...