Dhamma Talks

Four Tetrads And Four Foundations

During this talk, Peter reviewed the four groups of four stanzas in the Anapanasati Sutta as they relate to the four foundations of mindfulness.  The four groups of stanzas are called the four tetrads.  The intention in this presentation is to foster an integration of...

Liberating And Letting Go

During this talk, Peter continued to describe the elements of the fourth tetrad of the Anapanasati Sutta,  emphasizing the coordinating functions of examining impermanence, dispassion, cessation and renunciation through ongoing breath awareness. The process of...

Awakening With Dispassion

This talk was recorded on April 8, 2015, and is the follow-up on the talk entitled "Anapanasati And Anicca April 1 2015.  During this talk, Peter described how mindfulness of the arising and passing away of mental fabrications leads naturally to a sense of decreased...

Anapanasati And Anicca

During this talk, Peter briefly reviewed the cultivation of samadhi/passadhi (concentration/tranquility) in the first three tetrads of the Anapanasati Sutta, then read a translation of the fourth tetrad, which is focuses on vipassana. The four characteristics to be...

Deerhaven 2015 Ninth Night Dhamma Talk

This is the last of the series of dhamma talks provided during the retreat.  At the beginning, Tommy Harrison gave a brief talk on the power of generosity and gratitude for the teachings and the practice.  After that, Peter reviewed the week's progression of practice...

Guided Body Sweep Head Arms And Legs

This recording is associated with the previously posted .mp3 file, "Deerhaven Sixth Night Dhamma Talk".  It was recorded during a guided body sweep meditation, and included the parts of the body mentioned in the title.  As mentioned previously, the purpose of this...

Deerhaven 2015 Sixth Night Dhamma Talk

This recording followed a guided body sweep meditation and provided an opportunity for the participants to discuss the experience and receive suggestions about their practice.  Peter emphasized that the goal of this practice is to foster the maturing of vitakka and...