Dhamma Talks

Living With Uncertainty

During this talk, Kitty explored how Buddhist practices help us relate to the inevitable uncertainty of life, sharing some of her experiences working with Hospice.  She used material from Pema Chodron's book "Comfortable With Uncertainty" as reference.  She also...

Stress Is To Be Understood

Peter began a dialogue that is expected to last several months on the Four Noble Truths as we understand them in the context of 21st century neuroscience and psychology.  He described the First Noble Truth as stress, and how stress manifests in our mind/body process. ...

Life With The Buddha’s Teachings

During this dialogue, Tommy reflected back over the last two dhamma dialogue topics, relating them specifically to his practice of realizing them in his daily life.  He shared his appreciation for how the teachings supported him during a recent family medical crisis,...

Satipatthana-Mindfulness of Breathing

—In this dialogue, Judy presented two translations of the beginning of the Satipatthana Sutta, usually translated as The Four Foundation of Mindfulness, and then explained how important it is to practice mindfulness of breathing meditation in order to understand the...

Four Noble Truths Introduction 2013

During this talk, Peter introduces a long-term project, to revisit the Four Noble Truths concept from the perspective of the 21st century.  Much of the Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta (the first teaching of the Buddha after enlightenment) contains cultural add-ons that...

Awakening The Mind

In this talk, Peter reviews the value of developing the 7 Awakening Factors through tranquility practice.  This process allows deeply conditioned attachments to self-states and how a more dispassionate view of old relationship dynamics supports increasing equanimity.

A Closer Look at Non-Self

In this Dhamma dialogue, Kitty shares an insight into non-self that stemmed from a personal experience. The dhamma talk is followed by a lively discussion on non-self and its relationship to letting go, particularly in regards to letting go of life itself when the...