Guided Head Body Scan

During this guided meditation practice, the participants were introduced to vedanupassana, the meditation practice taught by U Ba Khin and S. N. Goenka.  More understood as body sweep or body scan, this involves a systematic, in-depth examination of whatever sensations are evident over the body.  Due to the amount of time available for the demonstration, only  the areas of the head were explored.  The purpose of the practice is to enhance the “aiming and sustaining” process, supporting increasingly precise and insightful awareness of body sensations; this investigation can then be used to bring emerging thoughts and impulses into awareness sooner and with more clarity.

Balancing Work And Home Life

During this first of two talks, Peter and the assembled sangha members discussed the complications that arise in trying to balance work requirements and home life.  Peter described two boundary issues: internal boundaries and external boundaries, suggesting that much stress results from the conflicts between the “ideal self”, who’s expected to be able to please all people all the time, both at work and at home.  Next week’s discussions will explore how the concepts and practices of the eightfold path can be usefully applied in the dynamic balancing process.

Karma In The 21st Century

During this talk, Peter again emphasized how different 21st century culture is from the time of the Buddha.  During that era, it was assumed that a person’s karma was determined by what clan he or she was born into, and karma was equivalent to fate.  The Buddha’s radical change was claim that a person’s salvation from suffering, related to karma, depends upon his or her ethical behaviors, not birth status.  Peter further emphasized that modern scientific research also suggests that relief from suffering is ethical, in that the different regions of the brain recruited in the process of developing a personal narrative work best when the results represent kindness rather than self-absorption.  During next week’s talk, this topic will be revisited to explore how modern neuroscience takes the place of old Brahmanic philosophy, to make sense of the universe of human consciousness.

[s3mm type=”audio” files=”wp-content/uploads/2013/07/11130447/Karma In The 21st Century.mp3″ /]

A Closer Look at Non-Self

In this Dhamma dialogue, Kitty shares an insight into non-self that stemmed from a personal experience. The dhamma talk is followed by a lively discussion on non-self and its relationship to letting go, particularly in regards to letting go of life itself when the time comes.