Reviewing the Functions Regarding Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation

This talk provides a review of how the practice of mindfulness with breathing meditation changes the structure of those areas of the brain that beneficially affect consciousness for better mental health and to promote the process of Awakening.  There is an accompanying “Guided Mindfulness With Breathing Meditation”, recorded prior to this meeting and posted in the Audio archives.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Breathing With Mindfulness

The focus of next week’s talk will provide a review of the 16 stages found in the Anapanasati Sutta, the Mindfulness With Breathing Discourse.  The stages provide experiential “markers” that can help meditation practitioners confirm their progress during the process of Awakening.


Reviewing the Anapanasati Sutta’s 16 Stanzas

This talk focuses on reviewing the 16 stanzas of the Anapanasati Sutta, one of the core teachings of Buddhism.  The stanzas are typically organized into four tetrads, which mirror the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, another key Buddhist discourse.  The talk of March 1, 2023 reviewed how the practice of anapanasati, mindfulness of breathing meditation, restructures important neural pathways in the brain, supporting the process of Awakening, and this presentation is intended to complement that talk. There are several references within this talk from an important book on the subject: “Mindfulness of Breathing–a practice guide and translations” by Bhikkhu Analayo, a contemporary authority on this topic.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Anapanasati 16 Steps Review

Here is a translation of the Anapanasati Sutta by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, another respected scholar/monk:  Anapanasati-Thanissaru Bhikkhu

The talk planned for next week will provide an opportunity for another of our teachers, Lezlie Laws, to review a residential retreat she attended that integrated intensive hatha yoga practice with mindfulness of breathing meditation.


Reviewing Right Mindfulness and Mindfulness of Breathing Meditation

This talk provides an overview of the conceptual structure of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness–Right Mindfulness, within the Noble Eightfold Path.  The overview is accompanied by a review of the practice of anapanasati, mindfulness of breathing meditation, focusing on the traditional concepts of this practice, then contemporary neuroscientific studies that validate how the meditation practice affects the brain beneficially.

Here are two sets of notes prepared for this talk which provide a more comprehensive review than the posted recording:  Overview of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse (Repaired) and Reviewing Mindfulness Of Breathing Meditation Practice.

A recorded guided meditation “Guided Satipatthana Contemplation”, dated June 28, 2023, is posted in the Guided Meditation page and is intended to complement the topics reviewed during this talk.


Clear Direction Only Go Straight Just Do It

Robert Lockridge is the guest speaker for this evening.  He is one of the guiding teachers of the Orlando Zen Center, which provides opportunities to practice Korean Zen as taught by Seung Sahn, who originated the Kwan Um School in the U. S.  The title of the talk reflects basic principles and practices of Zen Buddhism, organized around questions such as “How do I determine what is the true direction of my life?  Robert talked about Kong-An (Better known as Koan) practice, which is the presentation of a “question” to a student by a master in order to initiate an internal, often non-verbal investigation and response from the student to promote deeper understanding of the Dharma.

Next week’s talk will involve an in-depth exploration of Mindfulness as the premiere of the Seven Awakening Factors.


Universal Unwholesome Mind Conditioners

This week’s talk describes the first 8 unwholesome cetasikas.  The first 4, ignorance/delusion, shamelessness/absence of conscience, recklessness/heedlessness and restlessness/mental agitation.  They function cooperatively to shape every self-state organization.  the second 4, desire/attachment, wrong view, conceit/self-absorption and aversion/ill-will, may or may not cooperate with the universal unwholesome cetasikas.  The 8 cetasikas were discussed in depth, followed by questions and comments from others present at the meeting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  the-unwholesome-mind-conditioners

Next week’s talk will describe the remaining unwholesome cetasikas, envy, stinginesss, sloth, torpor and skeptical doubt