2018 Deerhaven Fifth Night Talk: The Seven Awakening Factors

During this talk, the focus is on the Sambojjhanga, the Seven Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Right Effort/Persistence, Joy, Tranquility, Concentration and Equanimity/Balance.  These qualities are operating in every moment of wholesome self-state organization, and become more and more potent when the Five Hindrances have been set aside in the mind’s functioning.  Emphasis was placed on the Investigation of Mental Phenomena, as this manifests as the maturation of the initial meditation instruction to aim attention at the breath sensation (vitakka in Pali) and sustain that awareness through the whole of the in-breath (vicara in Pali).  The collaberative functioning of the seven factors is essential in the practice of vipassana, which is the primary tool fostering the awakening process.  This explanation was followed by discussion of the day’s practice and the information received during this talk.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  BOJJHANGA-7 AWAKENING FACTORS



Emptiness And Fullness Meditation

This guided meditation accompanies the posted talk on September 20 entitled “Emptiness And Fullness September 20 2017”.  The meditation proceeds from mindfulness of breathing to a systematic sweeping of investigative attention through the body.  As this is practice, the dominating attentional energy normally dedicated to internal narrative is significantly reduced, instead dedicating investigative attention persistently to present-moment sensational awareness.  Towards the end of the meditation, the opportunity is provided to contemplate a whole-body awareness process, wherein the perceived and conditioned routine of defining boundaries between self and other (dualistic experiential processing) is disregarded, opening awareness that experiences each moment as unlimited, that is, boundarylessness.  This sort of awareness sets the conditions suitable to realize non-dual reality, approaching the experience of nirvana, the unconditioned.


Perfecting Wholesome Mental Qualities

This talk begins a series of explorations of the paramis, qualities of the mind to be perfected during the process of awakening.  The word parami is translated from Pali as perfection; in Sanskrit, the word is paramita.  These qualities emerge as the frequency and potency of wholesome self-state organizations flourish.  In describing the paramis, Peter emphasized the importance of cultivating attention through the combination of mindful investigation and benevolent intention. In the Theravada tradition, there are 10 paramis: generosity, virtue, renunciation, Wisdom, energy/persistence, patience, truthfulness, determination, lovingkindness, and equanimity/balance.  These were reviewed as a wholesome system for self-state integration and liberation, with an emphasis on the interpersonal/societal benefits as well as personal awakening.  This was followed by general discussion of the holistic “package” of the paramis, that is, how the function of one integrates with all the other paramis.  In forthcoming talks, each of the paramis will be explored more deeply, with an emphasis on practical applications in contemporary secular life.  The first parami, generosity, will be discussed at the next meeting.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk; please note the definition of the paramis follows a very traditional format, that is, characteristic description, specific function, its manifestation and proximal cause:  Perfecting Qualities For Awakening


The Out Of Balance Mind

This talk was recorded at the end of the first full day of the retreat, and focuses on the Five Hindrances.  Peter presented a graphic that presented the hindrances as dynamic polarities: too much conviction as opposed to too much skepticism, and too much energy as opposed to too much tranquility.  The common antidote for these mental disturbances is stability of attention combined with active investigation, using mindfulness of breathing as a stabilizing and energizing point of reference.  This was followed by discussion of the hindrances and overcoming them.  The next night’s discussion focuses on “Cultivating A Focused And Tranquil Mind”.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE OUT OF BALANCE MIND


Deerhaven 2016 Sixth Night Talk

As the process of vipassana matures, the Seven Awakening Factors are developed to their fullest potential: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Effort, Joy/Enthusiastic Interest, Tranquility, Concentration and Equanimity/Internal Balance.  This talk describes the progressive, liberating insights that emerge from optimal functioning of these factors.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  STAGES OF AWAKENING