by Peter Carlson | May 14, 2020 | Listen to Dharma Talks
There are two initial stages in the practice of mindfulness of breathing meditation: persistently maintaining present-moment awareness of the in- and out-breath, followed by increasing investigation of phenomena that emerge into awareness during the breathing cycle. During this meditation, training attention to investigate the breath cycle was cultivated by inviting a primary investigation of the physical experience of breathing, then letting the breath awareness become secondary while investigating and “looking closer” at other predominant sensations in the body, or investigating the nature of attention while attending to physical sensations to discover the self-fabricating nature of the mind. An important goal of vipassana practice is to investigate the interactions between physical sensory experience and how the mind makes meaning of the sensations. In the progressions of insight during the process of Awakening, this awareness is called namarupa, with nama relating to the mind’s function and rupa to the physical sensations that occur.
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by Peter Carlson | May 9, 2019 | Listen to Dharma Talks
Dhamma Vicaya, the Investigation of Mental Phenomena, is the second of the 7 Factors of Awakening. Peter described the progressive development of vitakka (aiming attention at the sensations of breathing) and vicara (sustaining focused attention on these sensations), combined with sati (mindfulness) and viriya (energy/persistent effort) into the capacity to maintain diligent awareness of the three characteristics of reality: anicca (impermanence), dukkha (the distress and confusion that is the consequence of craving and clinging) and anatta (the absence of an enduring and autonomous self). This alert and detached investigative process is vipassana, often translated as insight. Three meditation practices for cultivating dhamma vicaya were described: mindfulness of breathing, noting and body sweep. This description was followed by discussion by the attending group regarding the various practices.
Here are the notes prepared for this talk: Investigation of Mental Phenomena
There will be no posting of dharma talks for the next two weeks, as Peter will be on a self-retreat. He will report on the retreat experience on May 29.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 59:03 — 108.1MB)
by Peter Carlson | Aug 9, 2018 | Listen to Dharma Talks
Continuing the exploration of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, tonight’s topic is the Awakening Factor Dhamma Vicaya, Investigating Mental Phenomena. During the talk, Peter suggested the development of this Awakening Factor begins with the practice of vitakka/vicara, aiming attention at the breath sensations/sustaining attention for the duration of the breath sensations. As the topic was developed, the cooperation of the other Awakening Factors was described in developing mature awareness of how the process of “selfing” occurs and to realize anicca (impermanence), anatta, (non-self) and the distress and confusion that constitutes dukkha. This was followed by general group discussion of the benefits that result from cultivating Dhamma Vicaya.
Here are the notes prepared for this discussion: INVESTIGATING MENTAL PHENOMENA
Next week’s topic will be the Awakening Factor Viriya, translated as Energy/Effort and Determination.
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by Peter Carlson | Mar 20, 2018 | Listen to Dharma Talks
During this talk, the focus is on the Sambojjhanga, the Seven Awakening Factors: Mindfulness, Investigation of Mental Phenomena, Energy/Right Effort/Persistence, Joy, Tranquility, Concentration and Equanimity/Balance. These qualities are operating in every moment of wholesome self-state organization, and become more and more potent when the Five Hindrances have been set aside in the mind’s functioning. Emphasis was placed on the Investigation of Mental Phenomena, as this manifests as the maturation of the initial meditation instruction to aim attention at the breath sensation (vitakka in Pali) and sustain that awareness through the whole of the in-breath (vicara in Pali). The collaberative functioning of the seven factors is essential in the practice of vipassana, which is the primary tool fostering the awakening process. This explanation was followed by discussion of the day’s practice and the information received during this talk.
Here are the notes prepared for this talk: BOJJHANGA-7 AWAKENING FACTORS
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:25:35 — 156.7MB)
by Peter Carlson | Feb 22, 2018 | Listen to Dharma Talks
One of the key factors involved in the process of Awakening is Dhamma Vicaya, translated as Investigation Of Mental Phenomena. It is the second of the Seven Awakening Factors, and the cultivation of this factor is described in the Satipatthana Sutta, the Four Foundations Of Mindfulness Discourse. Peter explained that the cultivation of this factor begins with the fundamental instructions for mindfulness of breathing practice, that is, intentionally bringing attention to the beginning of the inbreath (vitakka in Pali), then sustaining awareness for the duration of the inbreath (vicara ‘vee-chah-rah’, in Pali). The development of this process continues as one notes the arising of a hindrance and redirects attention back to the breath. When attention stabilizes on breath awareness unencumbered by the hindrances, the maturation of Dhamma Vicaya is attained, and this is a key element in the practice of vipassana, the goal of which is the liberation of the mind from dukkha.
Here are the notes prepared for this talk: Investigating The Mind
There is mention of the cetasikas in this talk, so the cetasikas chart is reposted here: CETASIKAS POSTER
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:01:54 — 113.3MB)