Lezlie Laws’ Five Hindrances Review

Reviewing and setting aside the five aggregates is described as the first of the contemplations found within the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness.  Lezlie provides quotes and comments that explain the characteristics of these obstacles to a mind that is alert and serene enough to support insights that liberate the mind from craving and clinging.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk, including references to useful books:  Hindrances dharma talk


Understanding The Five Aggregates

This talk continues a review of the contemplations found in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, namely the Five Aggregates.  An overview of the interactions between Form, Feeling, Perception, Mind Conditioning Factors and Consciousness is provided, relating the aggregates to the other Foundations of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse, using several quotes from Analayo’s “Satipatthana–The Direct Path To Realization”.  Also included is a brief review of the next contemplation, the Six Sense Bases, as these are represented by the Form aggregate.  Because this contemplation provides a key insight into the concept of Dependent Origination, several subsequent Dharma talks will provide a review of the Mind Conditioning Factors, numbering 52 in the commentaries, and called Cetasikas, because of the key function these factors provide in Dependent Origination.  After reviewing the cetaskikas the Dependent Origination concept will then be considered.  The Cetasikas and Dependent Origination are not described in the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse, but understanding how they operate is a key component in the process of Awakening.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Understanding The Five Aggregates

An important book that analyses the Five Aggregates entitled “The Five Aggregates–Understanding Theravada Psychology and Soteriology”  by Matthieu Boisvert can be downloaded in .pdf format here:  The-Five-Aggregates-Understanding-Theravada-Psychology-Soteriology  (Soterilogy is the study of salvation).

Next week’s talk will focus on beginning a review of the Cetasikas with the “Universal Mind Conditioners”, which function in every moment of consciousness.


Understanding NamaRupa

NamaRupa is an important concept in Buddhist psychology.  Nama represents the conditioning functions of the mind as Rupa, the experiencing of sensations is transformed into meaningful self-state organizations.  NamaRupa is another way to describe the Five Aggregates, that is, form (sensations, that is, Rupa), feelings, perceptions, mind conditioners and consciousness (These four represent the various categories of Nama).  During the talk, the importance of being mindfully aware of these different functions in order to not mistakenly believe that mental phenomena are inherently accurate representations of the objective world.  This awareness, when clearly established through the Seven Awakening Factors, (mindfulness, investigation of mental phenomena, energy/persistent Right Effort, joyful engagement, tranquility, stability of focus and equanimity/internal balance), leads to Awakening.  Peter emphasized that on a mundane level, the ability to discern the difference between what is sensed and how the mind makes meaning regarding the sensation is a core skill for cognitive therapy, a frequent and reliable way to promote mental health.

Here are the notes prepared for this presentation:  Understanding NamaRupa

Next week’s talk will involve a guest speaker, Andy Quinn, who will facilitate a discussion of the important place women occupy in contemporary Western Buddhism as practitioners, teachers and authors.  During next week, Peter and other community members will be on the yearly one week retreat, which will be discussed during the following regular Wednesday night meeting.
