Reviewing Mindfulness of the Mind

The Third Foundation of Mindfulness focuses attention on investigating the characteristics of a person’s consciousness–alert or dull, filled with desire or free from desire, among other categories.  During this talk, Peter reviews the various categories, supplemented by current neurological research that supports the views developed by Buddhist practitioners and scholars over a thousand years ago.  How mindfulness of breathing practice supports investigation of the mind is also reviewed.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Reviewing Mindfulness Of The Mind

The next talk will begin a review of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, focusing on identifying and setting aside the Five Hindrances.


Reviewing Mindfulness of the Mind

This review, provided by April Koester, focuses on the Third Foundation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, which is intended to describe how the characteristics of various states of consciousness can affect our self-experiences.  The mind operates like a filter, “coloring” perceptions through various states such as desire, aversion, dullness, agitation, etc.  The goal of mindfulness and internal investigation is to understand the conditioning of the filtering process and, through Right Effort, create qualities of consciousness that provide an unfiltered view of the impermanent and non-self characteristics of subjective experience.


Reviewing Mindfulness of the Mind

The Third Foundation of Mindfulness, cittanupassana,  is a contemplation of the various ways consciousness reflects subjective experience; the goal of this contemplation is to realize that the mind is impersonal, not a self.  This review also includes discussion of contemporary scientific concepts such as complexity theory, which validate the concepts about how the mind operates that were developed millennia ago by Buddhist practitioners.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Mindfulness Of The Mind Review

The focus for next week’s talk will be a review of the first concepts of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, contemplation of the Five Hindrances.


Mindfulness of the Mind Review

The topic for this Dharma talk is the Third Foundation of Mindfulness, Cittanupassana.  During this review, the appropriate section of the discourse is described in more detail regarding various states of mind that can be known through well-developed mindful investigation with the understanding that what is observed is a phenomenon of nature, not an enduring/autonomous self.  Contemporary neuropsychological insights are also reviewed, such as complexity theory, chaos theory and the strange attractor concept, which, although derived from mathematics and physics, are also applicable to how consciousness operates.  There is a “Guided Mindfulness of Mind Contemplation” recording posted and archived that is intended to accompany this talk.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Mindfulness Of The Mind Review

The next talk will provide a review of the first element of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, a contemplation of the Five Hindrances.


Guided Mindfulness of the Mind Contemplation

This guided meditation is intended to accompany the Dharma talk of the same evening entitled “Mindfulness of the Mind Review”, also recorded, posted and archived.  During the meditation, various suggestions are provided to prompt investigation of various mind states mentioned in the Second Foundation of Mindfulness, part of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse.
