Dhamma Talks

Reviewing the Progressions of Insight

This talk provides conceptual understanding of an important aspect of Theravada Buddhism derived from the Visuddhimagga, an ancient and extensive treatise on vipassana and the process of Awakening.  The Progressions of Insight are stages of insight awareness that can...

Review of the Seven Awakening Factors

This talk is part of an extensive investigation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse, and provides a review of how undeveloped characteristics of the Seven Awakening Factors within the Fourth Foundation can be identified while meditating, accompanied by a...

Deerhaven 2021Retreat Review

It is customary during the meeting following a significant retreat experience to provide an opportunity for those who attended the retreat to have a chance to "think out loud" about the experience.  Going to a one-week or longer residential retreat ha the same effect...