Dhamma Talks
Deerhaven 2021Retreat Review
It is customary during the meeting following a significant retreat experience to provide an opportunity for those who attended the retreat to have a chance to "think out loud" about the experience. Going to a one-week or longer residential retreat ha the same effect...
Review Of The Six Wholesome Resultant Cetasikas
This review focuses on how the Wholesome Mind Conditioners activities produce qualities that reflect 6 ethical, relational and Wisdom components supporting the process of Awakening: Abstaining from Unwholesome Speech, Abstaining from Unwholesome Actions, Abstaining...
Reviewing Contingent Provisional Emergence
This talk provides a thorough review of the core Buddhist concept Paticca Samuppada, typically translated as Dependent Origination. A different rendering of the concept is provided, including reference to a contemporary concept, complexity theory which led to the...
Guided Investigation of Feelings Meditation
This meditation is intended to focus attention on the impermanence of feelings, either related to physical sensations or mental phenomena. Cultivating skillfulness in this practice facilitates the ability to realize the benefits suggested in the concept of paticca...
Reviewing a Retreat Following the Goenka Tradition
It is customary for members of the Orlando Insight Meditation Group to be provided the opportunity to "think out loud" about a recent significant retreat experience. This verbalization supports increasing clarity for the individuals who attended the retreat about the...
Reviewing the Six Beautiful Pairs of Cetasikas
This talk reviews those qualities of awareness that are the highest development of consciousness attained through mindfulness meditation. They represent the harmonious integration of mind conditioning functions with the flow of conscious awareness. Each of the 12...
Guided Contemplation of the Six Beautiful Pairs of Cetasikas
This meditation reviews the experiential characteristics of what are called the "Six Beautiful Pairs" of wholesome mind conditioning factors. During the meditation, suggestions are offered that provide an opportunity to identify the characteristics of these qualities...
Reviewing the Universal Wholesome Mind Conditioners
This talk provides a review of those mind conditioners, also called cetasikas, that cooperate to shape each moment of self experience that is not afflicted by dukkha--distress and confusion. The talk also provides a description of how these wholesome factors...
Guided Universal Wholesome Mind Conditioners Meditation
This contemplation provides comments that support direct awareness of the Universal Wholesome Mind Conditioners, also called the Universal Wholesome Cetasikas. It is intended to accompany the Dharma talk "Reviewing the Universal Wholesome Mind Conditioners" found in...
Reviewing The Unwholesome Mind Conditioners
This talk continues a review of the 52 cetasikas, those functions that condition how self-organization is formed, with emphasis on the 14 unwholesome mind conditioners. Each is reviewed and their interactions with other ethically malleable mind conditioning functions...