Dhamma Talks
Celebrating The Happiness Of Others November 20 2019
This talk is the third in a series exploring the Brahma Viharas, the Divine Abidings: metta (lovingkindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy) and upekkha (equanimity). Mudita is the empathetic attunement with the happiness of others, a celebration of...
The Value Of Compassion November 13 2019
This talk focuses on karuna, the Pali and Sanskrit term for compassion. Peter described compassion as a "subset" of metta, lovingkindness, with a focus on empathizing with the dukkha one is aware of in oneself and others. Contemporary research on mirror neurons...
The Value Of Metta November 6 2019
This is the first of a series of talks about the Brahma Viharas, the Divine Abidings: Metta (lovingkindness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (sympathetic joy) and Upekkha (equanimity). During the talk, which focused primarily on Metta, Peter read an excerpt from...
2019 Deerhaven 7th Night Home Practice
The last night's talk typically is intended to clarify the processes developed during the retreat and to suggest ways for participants to continue to foster their Awakening practice at home. Peter made various suggestions to foster daily meditation practice and ways...
2019 Deerhaven 6th Night Awakening
The process of Awakening is dynamic and cumulative. Every time we mindfully note the emergence of a hindrance and return to the breath is a moment of Awakening, and every time we mindfully note the emergence of the Seven Awakening Factors (which include mindfulness...
2019 Deerhaven 5th Night Dep Origination
Dependent Origination is a key concept of Buddhism. In Pali, it is paticca samuppada. The Buddha's most senior teacher, Sariputta, said that understanding paticca samuppada fully is required for Awakening. Peter explained his preferred rendering of this concept,...
2019 Deerhaven 4th Night Bojjhanga
The term Bojjhanga literally means "those factors that foster Awakening". They are called "The Seven Awakening Factors": Mindfulness, Investigation, Energy/Right Effort, Joy, Tranquility, Concentration and Equanimity. Peter described the cultivation of these factors...
2019 Deerhaven 3rd Night Aggregates
The Five Aggregates of Clinging are an important Buddhist concept that is useful in "deconstructing" the notion of an enduring autonomous self. Peter reviewed a classic Buddhist simile, that of a chariot. The term "chariot" is a useful concept in the construction...
2019 Deerhaven 2nd Night Hindrances
This talk reviewed the nature of the Five Hindrances: How they are triggered, the characteristics of each, how they can be set aside and how the re-emergence of them can be limited. Humans were described as "energy transforming organisms" and the hindrances represent...
2019 Deerhaven Retreat 1st Night
This first night's talk focuses on a traditional introduction to Buddhist retreats: Taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha. Peter described the Buddha as being the potential for Awakening from dukkha, the distress and confusion caused by craving and...