Dhamma Talks
Working With Impermanence January 15 2020
This is the first of three talks exploring tilakkhana, the three basic characteristics of our subjective world, Anicca, Dukkha and Anatta. Tonight’s focus is on Anicca, the impermanent and transitory nature of reality. Impermanence occurs in two ways:...
Peter Reports on 2019 Year End Retreat
It is customary for retreatants in this Sangha to have the opportunity to report on their retreat experience as this helps integrate the insights realized during the retreat more clearly in awareness. Peter described the structure of his recent two-week...
The Four Noble Truths And The Holidays December 11 2019
This is the last talk of 2019 as Peter begins his year-end two-week self retreat December 13. During the talk, Peter described the early context of Christmas and the season associated with the Winter Solstice, the shortest and often among the coldest days of the year...
The Benefits Of Equanimity December 4 2019
This is the last in a series of meetings that explore the Divine Abidings, Metta (Lovingkindness), Karuna (Compassion), Mudita (Sympathetic Joy) and Upekkha (Equanimity). Equanimity is manifested when a well-trained mind applies mindfulness, investigation of mental...
2019 Thanksgiving Eve Talk November 27 2019
Since our Sangha meets on Wednesday evenings, Thanksgiving Eve is dedicated to reflecting gratitude for the benefits of Buddhist principles and practices and the bounty and beauty of life on this planet. During the talk, various participants contributed their...
Celebrating The Happiness Of Others November 20 2019
This talk is the third in a series exploring the Brahma Viharas, the Divine Abidings: metta (lovingkindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy) and upekkha (equanimity). Mudita is the empathetic attunement with the happiness of others, a celebration of...
The Value Of Compassion November 13 2019
This talk focuses on karuna, the Pali and Sanskrit term for compassion. Peter described compassion as a "subset" of metta, lovingkindness, with a focus on empathizing with the dukkha one is aware of in oneself and others. Contemporary research on mirror neurons...
The Value Of Metta November 6 2019
This is the first of a series of talks about the Brahma Viharas, the Divine Abidings: Metta (lovingkindness), Karuna (compassion), Mudita (sympathetic joy) and Upekkha (equanimity). During the talk, which focused primarily on Metta, Peter read an excerpt from...
2019 Deerhaven 7th Night Home Practice
The last night's talk typically is intended to clarify the processes developed during the retreat and to suggest ways for participants to continue to foster their Awakening practice at home. Peter made various suggestions to foster daily meditation practice and ways...
2019 Deerhaven 6th Night Awakening
The process of Awakening is dynamic and cumulative. Every time we mindfully note the emergence of a hindrance and return to the breath is a moment of Awakening, and every time we mindfully note the emergence of the Seven Awakening Factors (which include mindfulness...