Mindfulness of the Body Adaptations

This talk completes the review of the First Foundation of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of the Body.  These remaining categories of the discourse are reviewed: Foulness: The Body Parts, The Four Elements and The Nine Charnel Ground Contemplations.  Each contemplation is reviewed, with critiques as to the relevance of the body parts and charnel ground contemplations in contemporary life experience.  The Four Elements contemplation is more understandable and workable, and is intended to be supported by the posted “Guided Four Elements Contemplation” recording, found in the archive for June 16, 2021.  The review is followed by questions and comments from those attending the Zoom meeting.

Here are the notes prepared for the talk:  MINDFULNESS OF THE BODY ADAPTATIONS

The topic for next week will continue reviewing the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse, focusing on Mindfulness of Feelings, the Second Foundation of Mindfulness.


Deerhaven 2021Retreat Review

It is customary during the meeting following a significant retreat experience to provide an opportunity for those who attended the retreat to have a chance to “think out loud” about the experience.  Going to a one-week or longer residential retreat ha the same effect on the mind and body as would be the case when a musician or athlete participates in a long and immersive series of practice events–the neurological connections associated with the skills being cultivated become stronger and more useful.  Having the chance to talk with others who understand what is being discussed increases the clarity and accessibility of the experience in normal life circumstances.  Additionally, it can inspire others to participate in such events in the future as they hear of the benefits.  Each person reports on her or his experience during the meeting, followed by questions or comments from those attending the Zoom meeting.


Peter’s 2021 Year End Retreat Report

Peter has committed to two-week self-retreats for the last 15 years.  This talk reviews that experience during the retreat last December, using excerpts from Analayo’s “Mindfulness of Breathing–a practice guide and translations” to complement what occurred during the retreat, as that book was the primary reference source during the retreat.  The intention of this review is to provide ways to understand how a meditative progression through the Four Tetrads of the Anapanasati Sutta, the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse, was useful for deepening his practice and insights regarding the process of Awakening during the retreat.  This presentation also includes questions posed by those participating in the meeting regarding the information in the Sutta.

Here are the extensive excerpts from the book provided by Peter for reference during the talk and for further inquiry by those interested in the approach used by Analayo to improve understanding and practice issues regarding this important discourse:  2021 Year end retreat review  Analayo can be considered as one of the preeminent authorities of our era regarding the doctrines and practices found in the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

The topic for next week’s discussion will be a review of Lovingkindness, the first of what are called the Four Divine Abidings.


Lezlie Laws Reviews A Combined Ashtanga Yoga And Mindfulness Meditation Retreat

It is our custom to provide an opportunity for anyone who recently completed a significant retreat to reflect upon their experience, because “thinking out loud” about it helps integrate their insights.  Lezlie has practiced Ashtanga Yoga for decades and is certified to teach yoga.  She recently completed a one-week retreat that integrated yoga, longevity practices, and mindfulness meditation.  She reviewed the characteristics of the site and organization of the retreat, which emphasized the importance of using breath awareness while practicing hatha yoga, as well as during other daily activities.  She also reviewed Ashtanga Yoga, which  uses “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” as a primary resource for study, and this discourse has significant parallels to the conceptual structures associated with Buddhism,  Her review was followed by questions from those participating in the meeting.

The topic for next week’s talk will review the association between what is called “emotional intelligence”, (The ability to cultivate self-awareness and self-discipline to more fully realize one’s social, professional and spiritual development) and the application of mindfulness and Right Effort.


Reviewing Right Understanding

This talk continues reviewing the Four Noble Truths, beginning a series of talks focusing on the Fourth Noble Truth, emphasizing the first element of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Understanding.  The talk begins with  an overview of the conceptual benefits of the Dharma Wheel icon, emphasizing the dynamic interactions between the elements.  The 8 elements of the Path are studied conceptually, but can only be realized through careful introspective investigation, discovering the impermanent and impersonal nature of subjective experience.  Further discussion reviews how full realization of the integrated actions of the Noble Eightfold Path transforms Right Understanding into Right Knowledge, and Right Intention into Right Liberation, transforming the Eightfold Path into the Noble Tenfold Path.  The recorded talk is longer than usual, as there were interesting questions to be explored during the discussion.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  Right Understanding and the Noble Eightfold Path

The next talk will review Right Intention, the other element of the Wisdom aggregate within the Noble Eightfold Path.

