Reviewing the Five Hindrances

During this talk, Lezlie Laws initially provides an overview of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, Mindfulness of Mental Phenomena.  She then describes how the Five Hindrances are recognized and effectively set aside.  This talk also includes a period of time for questions to be discussed.

The focus for the next talk will be the next category of the Fourth Foundation, the Five Aggregates.


Right Intention Review

During this talk, Allie Vaknin shares her research on a basic element of Buddhist doctrine, Right Intention.  Part of the presentation involves questions and insights about this important part of the Noble Eightfold Path provided by those participating in the meeting.


Peter Reports On December 2024 Retreat

During this talk, Peter describes the challenges encountered in practicing mindfulness of breathing meditation for the cultivation of entry stages of jhana, a highly concentrated state of mind.  This practice requires a careful balance of energy and tranquility applied through the persistent uninterrupted attention to a very subtle transition from sensational breath awareness to the mind-constructed phenomenon called a nimitta.  He talks about how he overcame doubts and resistance during the retreat.  This talk also includes questions from those participating in the meeting.

The next talk will begin a long series of discussions reviewing why meditation practice is important and the foundational concepts of the Four Noble Truths.


Overview of the Four Noble Truths

This talk presents a broad review of a core concept within all the Buddhist traditions, the Four Noble Truths.  Peter talks about how the concepts of dukkha, craving and clinging, freedom from dukkha and the Noble Eightfold Path provide an an integrated way to understand the human condition, along with the ways and means to foster spiritual growth, a capacity that is sorely needed in these stressful times.  Included are several questions and insights posed by the participants.

This overview is intended to begin a long series of more in-depth reviews that provide insights into each of the Four Noble Truths that will continue throughout the year.  Next week’s talk will review the nature of dukkha, the primary focus of attention within the First Noble Truth.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS CONCEPT


Dukkha, The First Noble Truth

This presentation by April Koester, one of our cadre of teachers, begins an extensive review of the Four Noble Truths, focusing on the inevitability of dukkha, the physical and mental suffering that comes with being alive.  During the talk, several participants share their questions and observations regarding this important and basic point of study and practice within all the Buddhist traditions.

Next week’s talk will focus on how the First Noble Truth applies to the experience of parenting, presented by Lili Fernandez, another one of our teachers, who has two young boys.
