The Second Noble Truth, Part 1, Craving and Clinging

This talk focuses on the factors that produce dukkha–craving and clinging.  Peter describes the traditional Buddhist terms for craving and clinging, along with how contemporary neurological research supports the validity of this understanding of the human condition.  After his descriptions, participants in the group asked questions and shared observations about the topic.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  The Second Noble Truth

Next week’s talk will continue to review the Second Noble Truth, emphasizing the core Buddhist concept of paticca samuppada, translated as dependent origination, as a way to understand how the self is formed and how to change karmic influences in ways that support the realization of the Third Noble Truth, liberation from dukkha.


How To Change Your Karma

This is the second presentation regarding the processes that create dukkha.  The talk recorded on February 14, 2024 reviewed the characteristics of craving and clinging.  This talk provides a review of a key concept of Buddhist psychology, paticca samuppada, translated as dependent origination.  Peter explains how ignorance and unwholesome karmic influences generate craving and clinging with an extensive description of the 12 links of what he calls contingent provisional emergence, a more contemporary understanding of paticca samuppada.  The talk includes ways to investigate the dependent origination link called “feeling” in ways that produce wholesome karmic results.  The review is followed by several follow-up questions from those participating in the talk.

It is recommended that those listening to the talk read the extensive notes and graphic illustration that accompanies the talk:  HOW TO CHANGE YOUR KARMA

This talk was preceded by this recording: “Guided Dependent Origination Contemplation”, which is posted in the archives for this site.

The next scheduled Dharma talk will provide a review of the Third Noble Truth, liberation from dukkha.


Reviewing Right Understanding

During this talk, April continues the ongoing review of the Noble Eightfold Path by sharing her research about the Wisdom Aggregate, specifically Samma Ditthi, translated as Right View or Right Understanding.  This part of the Path provides the conceptual basis for understanding the law of Karma–cause and effect.  Her presentation includes several questions and comments from others participating in the meeting.

Next week’s talk will review the other half of the Wisdom Aggregate. Right Intention.


Reviewing Right Intention

This talk by Allie Vaknin continues an ongoing review of the Four Noble Truths, specifically focusing on a function of the Wisdom Aggregate of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Intention.  Allie describes different manifestations of Right Intention: Renunciation of unwholesomeness, Kindness, and Compassion.  This recording includes several comments and questions posed by those participating in the group.

Next week’s talk will begin a review of the Virtue Aggregate of the Noble Eightfold Path, during which Peter will focus on Right Speech, including the value of bringing Right Intention to our internal self-talk as well as what we say interpersonally.


Reviewing Right Action

This talk continues a thorough review of the Four Noble Truths, focusing on the second attribute of the Fourth Truth, within the Virtue Aggregate of the Noble Eightfold Path–Right Action.  During the talk, Lili describes the characteristics of the Precepts, which are the ethical guidelines to be understood and acted upon to further the path of Awakening.  This recording also includes additional questions and comments from thos3 attending related to the topic.

Here are the notes prepared for this talk:  RIGHT ACTION

The topic for next week’s talk will continue to review the Virtue Aggregate, focusing on Right Livelihood.  In and effort to apply the principles of the Virtue Aggregate to contemporary life, the topic will be represented by an alternative term, “Right Lifestyle”, focusing on how a virtuous lifestyle addresses the complexities and challenges presented by health and well-being, global warming, and the iniquities of cultural imbalances.
