Dhamma Talks
Understanding The Five Aggregates
This talk continues a review of the contemplations found in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness, namely the Five Aggregates. An overview of the interactions between Form, Feeling, Perception, Mind Conditioning Factors and Consciousness is provided, relating the...
Guided Five Aggregates Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on how to cultivate mindful awareness of each of the five aggregates mentioned in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness. It is intended to accompany the Dharma talk recorded the same evening entitled "Understanding The Five Aggregates",...
Setting Aside Skeptical Doubt
This talk reviews the characteristics of the fifth of the Five Hindrances, Skeptical Doubt: doubt, uncertainty regarding action, along with hesitation and conflicted thoughts. The talk also reviews the potential influence of skeptical doubt in reference to the other...
Guided Skeptical Doubt Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on understanding the characteristics of the hindrance of skeptical doubt and various meditation tactics for setting it aside. The meditation is intended to accompany the Dharma talk "Setting Aside Skeptical Doubt" presented the same...
Setting Aside Restlessness and Worry
This talk continues a review of the Five Hindrances, focusing on the way the instinctual nature of restlessness and agitation can be associated with an internal narrative that reinforces and amplifies this restlessness to the state clinically described as anxiety,...
Guided Restlessness and Worry Contemplation
This training meditation focuses on the hindrance of Restlessness and Worry, with suggestions regarding how to discern the difference between restlessness as a feeling and worry as a narrative. Being able to disregard the narrative and use mindfulness of breathing...
Setting Aside Sloth And Torpor
This talk is a review regarding how to identify the characteristics of thina-middha, the hindrance of sloth and torpor, one of the contemplations in the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness. This quality of diminished alertness and attention is in contrast to the fourth...
Guided Sloth And Torpor Contemplation
This guided meditation focuses on recognizing the characteristics of the hindrance Sloth and Torpor, as well as various ways to set aside the sluggishness and non-responsiveness of the mind while meditating. It is intended to accompany the Dharma talk of the same...
Setting Aside Aversion And Ill-Will
This is a review of the second of the Five Hindrances listed among the contemplations of the Fourth Foundation of Mindfulness. During the talk, the characteristics of aversion (rejection and withdrawal in the mind from unpleasant feelings) and Ill-will (a...
Guided Aversion And Ill-Will Meditation
This contemplation focuses on the second of the five hindrances, with suggestions that invite investigation of the direct physical and mental components of aversion (withdrawal in the mind from unpleasant feelings) and Ill-will (a characteristic aggression often...