Dhamma Talks
Deerhaven 2019 Retreat Review October 30 2019
It is our custom to offer opportunities for Sangha members who have just completed a significant meditation retreat to "think out loud" about their experience as it is believed that this helps clarify and integrate what they gained from the retreat; it may also...
The Dharma And The Environment October 16 2019
This is the last of a series of talks about how current cultural stress affects us and what the principles and practices of Buddhism have to offer in reducing the dukkha of a particular topic. In this case it is the distress and confusion around how the environment...
The Dharma And Political Conflict October 9 2019
The theme of previous talks has been reviewing how Buddhist principles and practices can be beneficially applied to the extraordinary stresses of contemporary life. The current political conflict in the U.S. warrants a review of how mindfulness can bring clear...
Wholesome Speech In Trying Times October 2 2019
The essence of social cohesion is manifested through interpersonal communication. The impact of the ever-present media of this era causes distress and confusion among individuals as cultural leaders and those who comment on them exaggerate and distort what is...
The Dharma Of Commitment September 25 2019
The real benefits of mindfulness meditation are only realized through commitment; first to daily, diligent mindfulness of breathing (or lovingkindness) meditation, and then to the commitment to integrate the training results of such disciplined practice into daily...
Buddhism And Voluntary Simplicity September 18 2019
During this talk, Peter described how his 1970's "flower child" interests in environmental health matured through the practice of Buddhist mindfulness meditation. A central focus of attention for the talk was "Voluntary Simplicity", a book he read by Duane Elgin in...
Dukkha And Consumerism September 11 2019
This talk continues the ongoing exploration of the distress and confusion prevalent in current American society, with a focus on consumerism. Peter described how exposure to commercial advertising even before we learn to read negatively influences our self-identity...
Clear Comprehension For Stress Management September 4 2019
Sati Sampajanna (Mindful Clear Comprehension) is a core concept and practice regarding mindfulness of the body in the Satipatthana Sutta, the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Discourse. It may not be clearly understood that in the Buddhist commentaries on Sati...
Dukkha And Addiction August 28 2019
This discussion combines Peter's 33 year history as a mental health professional, certified as an addictions counselor, combined with 37 years practicing mindfulness meditation. Addiction is described as a behavioral disorder that may or may not include substance...
Dukkha As Depression August 21 2019
This talk describes how craving and clinging generate and sustain depressive thought processes. Peter has used Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy as part of his psychotherapy practice for over 30 years and uses a combination of classical Buddhist concepts and...