Dhamma Talks
Cultivating Breath Body Tranquility January 23 2019
This talk continues exploration of the Anapanasati Sutta, the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse, with specific focus on the 3rd and 4th stanzas, describing how cultivating breath awareness integrated with full body awareness through a variety of methods, fosters...
Breath Awareness And Diligence January 16 2019
This is the second of a series of talks reviewing the Anapanasati Sutta, the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse. The first two of the 16 steps in the process of observing the breath involve the application of atapi, a Pali word translated as diligent, or often as...
Reviewing The Anapanasati Sutta January 9 2019
This is the first of a series of talks about the Anapanasati Sutta, the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse, MN118. Mindfulness of breathing is reportedly the meditation practice that Siddhattha Gotama used in achieving Awakening to become the Buddha over 25 centuries...
The Dharma Of Loving A Dog January 2 2019
It is customary during the Wednesday night meeting after a significant retreat experience to allow participants to "think out loud" about what gains in understanding and living the Dharma might result from that retreat. This talk reflects the two-week year-end...
A Different View Of Rebirth Part 2 December 12 2018
This is the second of two consecutive talks exploring how the Buddhist concept of rebirth can be applied to the necessity for individuals and cultures to "reinvent" personal and societal identities while adapting to the radically transformative and stressful...
A Different View Of Rebirth Part 1 December 5 2018
This is the first of a two-part exploration of how cultural stress might have been a contributing instigation for the spiritual masters Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and Martin Luther, followed next week with the potential for a rebirth of spirituality as a result of the...
The Value Of Generosity November 28 2018
During this talk, Peter described two applications of generosity: material and relational. Different ascending levels of generosity were also explored: miserly, giving-to-get and selfless, along with how the development of mindfulness and lovingkindness naturally...
Awakening Through Gratitude Meditation
This guided meditation recording emphasizes the importance of cultivating an embodied experience of gratitude, using a variety of suggested topics for contemplation. It is intended to accompany the previously posted "Awakening With Gratitude November 21 2018"...
Awakening With Gratitude November 21 2018
It is customary for the Orlando Insight Meditation Group meeting that occurs on Thanksgiving Eve to focus on gratitude. This talk follows the recorded "Awakening Through Gratitude Meditation", which is posted after this one. During this discussion, Peter elaborated...
Dissolving The Hook Meditation
This is a recording of a guided meditation for overcoming impulsive identification with and acting out from a stimulating situation. It is derived from the teaching of Pema Chodron, a well respected teacher in the Tibetan tradition; she call this the hook. During...