
Habits and the Dharma

During this talk, Lili reviews contemporary psychological and neurological understandings about habit formation and how Buddhist concepts and practices support the ability to be mindful of, investigate, and alter unwholesome thoughts and actions that are habitual...

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Anapanasati 16 Steps Review

This talk provides a review of the Mindfulness of Breathing Discourse, the focus of a recently-completed course Peter participated in that used Analayo's "Mindfulness of Breathing".  The Anapanasati Sutta is one of the core teachings of Theravada Buddhism and the...

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Attachment to Views

The Second Noble Truth describes attachment to views as a primary cause of dukkha, the experience of distress and confusion.  During this talk, Peter extends this understanding to review how the current circumstances of life--political divisiveness, the relentless...

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October Dharma Questions 2024

During this talk, Peter responded to various questions about mindfulness of breathing meditation practice, understanding how to cultivate insights regarding the self-creating process, and the body scanning practice taught by S. N. Goenka.

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Waking Up From Habituation

During this talk, April reviews current neurological information associated with habituation, describing how our minds and bodies develop patterns that allow us to function more efficiently in regard to energy utilization, but can interfere with our ability to...

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Guided Lovingkindness Meditation

This guided meditation focuses on the use of body awareness (middle of the chest), along with the repetition of the lovingkindness mantra, to cultivate Right Intention, which, along with Right Understanding, constitutes Wisdom.  This was recorded during a one-day...

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Mindfulness On And Off The Cushion

During this talk, Lili Fernandez describes the importance of integrating the Five Precepts into daily mindfulness practice.  Her experience as the mother of two young boys creates the opportunity to find different and creative ways to train the mind towards virtuous...

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